Police Disinvited From Using Brooklyn College Bathrooms – IOTW Report

Police Disinvited From Using Brooklyn College Bathrooms


Brooklyn College is kowtowing to cop-hating students by directing officers who need a bathroom break to the broken-down facilities in a building on the far edge of campus.

Amid a planned petition drive to ban cops from the taxpayer-funded campus, Donald Wenz, the school’s director of public safety, told the student newspaper The Excelsior that he’s trying to keep New York’s Finest out of sight.

While Wenz said all of the school’s restrooms were technically open to cops, the college prefers they stick to those in the isolated West End Building, “rather than walking across either quad to use the bathroom.”

A visit by The Post to the first-floor men’s room in the WEB — located past the school’s tennis courts and next to its athletic field — revealed a broken toilet with a hideously stained seat and an “OUT OF ORDER” sign taped to the door of its stall.

There was also a total lack of soap and paper towels.

A junior who’s majoring in psychology and who gave his name as Abe said it was far and away the worst place to go on the campus, which is part of the City University of New York system.

“The bathroom is horrendous,” Abe said. “You can only wash your hands in one of the sinks because the other two are broken.”

Meanwhile, an unidentified student is drafting a petition to college President Michelle Anderson to completely exile police, according to the Excelsior.

The student told the paper he wants Anderson to make it clear “that we do not want the NYPD on campus in any respect even if it’s just to take breaks and use bathroom.”
Several students told The Post they and their pals shared the sentiment, with a 21-year-old senior explaining that “people get triggered” by cops.


ht/ Christian PDX

22 Comments on Police Disinvited From Using Brooklyn College Bathrooms

  1. the lack of respect by these pukes is absolutely amazing. NYC police have a hard enough job as it is without these safe space punks illustrating their mass ignorance. The inmates are running the prison at this location.

  2. “The student told the paper he wants Anderson to make it clear “that we do not want the NYPD on campus in any respect even if it’s just to take breaks and use bathroom.”

    Sounds like eventually these kiddies are going to learn about “Soft Targets”.

  3. As mentioned ealier cops should now only respond to the west end zone. Good luck with the university police (if you have any) or some of those strappin young students to come to some poor persons assistence when their being mugged or raped because that’s not going to happen.

  4. As said before, cease all police service to the college. After enough robberies, rapes, and murders occur the enrollment will plummet and the doors will close.

    Problem solved, but don’t forget to salt the earth where this pus-filled sore of a college was located.

  5. You know, this is so phucking stupid it makes me sick. From day one, cops could enter any High School, Kindergarten School, Library, Museum , Restaurant, College Campus, to take a leak.
    Beat cops used to visit schools for a break and
    would often be asked by the teachers to visit their class and say a few words to the kids. Which they did. The cop would wave to the kids and maybe even tell them a joke, get the kids laughing.
    Oh, what am I talking about? That was eons ago.

  6. Police should call a press conference to announce they don’t want to have a presence where they are not wanted. The college will be a no-police zone, signs will be posted around the perimeter stating that fact. Have dispatch block all calls from college phone numbers, and announce that if anyone is a victim of a crime, here is contact information for the imbecile student activist who demanded this.

  7. As some of you may know, I am NO FAN of the police

    However, they can safely IGNORE this policy. What are they going to do about it? It’s HARASSMENT, and not at all productive.

    Ignore the order. Make them enforce it, which they can’t.

  8. There is a name for these people—-they’re called marks. Not only do criminals ‘luv em” but when they leave their safe police free zone they enter into an area where blue uniformed people carry guns, have legal authority and also know all the marks are committing their three felonies a day just like the rest of us. They should be encouraged. I have popcorn futures.

  9. If I had some input with the police department I would announce to the officers as well as everyone that would listen that this college is now a no-go zone. It’s a free for all.

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