Police Slaying Epidemic Underfoot – IOTW Report

Police Slaying Epidemic Underfoot

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ht/  KW ii

25 Comments on Police Slaying Epidemic Underfoot

  1. Michael Corleone: [yells] IN MY HOME! IN MY BEDROOM! Where my wife sleeps… and my children play with their toys.

    Maybe it’s time to station armed patriots at officers homes so they can sleep
    Without worrying about an attack.

    By the way this is totally Obamas fault.

  2. So a small group of well-armed men, following a prearranged, coordinated plan, violently broke into a man’s house unannounced and for no good reason, and the home owner died as a result?

    In what way is this any different from a “no-knock warrant” raid? Apart from the fact that the local cops won’t be covering up for the murderers this time around.

  3. “Armed Patriots” should protect the cops?

    It’s usually the cops who are killing the “armed patriots” when they storm their houses in full SWAT gear. Why should we guard those who wouldn’t hesitate to murder us in our homes?

  4. Libertarian?
    I have never ever had a SWAT team come to my house for any reason. It used to be conservative republicans were not only Pro cop but were the cops. That’s how it is in my town anyway.

  5. There are way too many botched SWAT raids and the like. Here’s a very recent one in Atlanta where the cops basically broke into the wrong house, killed the dog on the screen porch and went inside and shot the homeowner who was unarmed. It still isn’t a reason to go around murdering cops though.

    This was the best link I found but it has 2 videos that start auto-playing as soon as you open it (just pause one of them or both if you don’t want to hear a local news report). One cop was shot by another cop, but the cops tried to hide the details at first and led people to believe the homeowner had shot at them. It has the GBI report as well.


    The “state” always refusing to admit any wrongdoing and covering up their own crimes is one reason plenty of decent people like myself have little use for most cops and court systems these days.

  6. Cops are not perfect. No one is. But they are all we have. Maybe all cops should be retrained on how to do their job. Obviously there are rules set down for SWAT
    Raids. Maybe the rules of engagement should change.
    How many raids go perfect and how many have gone horrible wrong. The media
    Is not going to tell us about the raids that go well and take a criminal of the community. The media only tells us when SWAT fucks up.
    Come up with a better way to get a criminal out of a residence.
    Maybe tea and cookies would work.

  7. I prefer 12 gauge buckshot and a body bag to get an unwanted criminal out of my residence.

    Every warrant doesn’t have to be served by a SWAT team and there are far too many cops on their own personal power trip and many who are willing to abuse their authority as a means of stealing from the citizens, or who simply “get off” pushing people around. Just check out the thousands of videos of people videoing cops in action (not interfering with them) where the cops often assault them or arrest them on false pretenses.

    It’s not just cops …. the whole system is corrupt from top to bottom including prosecutors and judges who are often paid by the same government entity (and they are all too willing to lie, cheat and steal to cover up wrongdoing that might cost them money in the form of a lawsuit). There are far too many useless laws (other than collecting “revenue” and too much power concentrated throughout police agencies (they shouldn’t get to investigate themselves in most cases).

    That being said, none of this justifies the cold-blooded murder of cops in general. However, there do need to be changes made in how the cops view the citizens they are supposed to serve which would help change how non-criminal citizens perceive them as well.

  8. If all cops were bad, we would have all been beaten to death by now.

    If all cops just up and quit today, it wouldn’t be long before people would start up a new police system, because there is no way we would be safe on the streets or at home without some kind of policing authority to control the criminals.

    I am strongly against police corruption and thug-like police activity, but I wouldn’t want my kids to have to live in a world without cops. Look at Mexico and multiply that corruption by 10 or 15, that’s what “no cops” would look like.

    What needs to stop is the abuse of authority and the trampling upon law-abiding citizen’s rights. A lot of that starts in Washington. FBI reports of “terrorists” and “militia extremists” are handed down through the chain to the local police departments. I can verify this from what family LEO’s have told me. Those reports lump us in with the actual jihadi terrorists, for the simple fact that we talk shit about 0bama, or we own guns, or we are members of the Tea Party, and a bunch of other irrelevant bullshit. The cops are being lied to just like the rest of us.

    The persons who carried out this attack in Abilene were most likely acting upon the suggestive messages put forward by 0bama and Eric Holder to embolden killers of white cops.
    We could start cleaning up the corruption by arresting 0bama and Holder. Then find and jail the infiltrators in the FBI – the ones who caused the cops to think of us as “terrorists” because of our conservative views. Work our way down the chain, clean out the trash.

    I know it’s a dream. But, hell, it’s 3:30 a.m. and I’m typing in my sleep.

    P.S. Fuck 0bama!

  9. Maybe because 10-1 this officer never participated in a “no knock warrant”. Maybe because before you black helicopter this story you should at least pause to recognize an innocent man was murdered. Or are you that thick skulled to understand that very fact? Finally, to use your phrase, in what way is your comment any less inflammatory than those who are espousing shooting cops? Take five and give it a break

  10. So now the South American commie
    style “Death Squads”; courtesy of Obama’s
    twisted racism rants, are starting up.
    Next step in that model? Vigilante police
    unit response.
    Welcome to the “progressives”
    retrograde run into the third world
    America they want to create. All to
    me equally miserable; Venezuela style.

  11. So, if I understand what some of you are saying is, that because some of the police are corrupt or bullies, that BlackLivesMatter groups are right in targeting cops for death?

    Does that mean you would march with them shouting “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon”?

    If I’m wrong, where is your condemnation of this group calling for the murder of police?

  12. The difference would be intent.

    The blacks intended to kill the cop. Premeditated murder.

    I would dearly love to see no-knock raids outlawed. There are better, less risky, ways. Anyone can be isolated and apprehended without going all military on them.

    Too many “Wacos” with collateral damage.

  13. Well, I’m sure he meant the good ones.

    But that’s totally bass ackwards. The armed citizens who were standing outside of recruitment stations did so because the soldiers inside were being forced to be unarmed.

    These are cops. There is no need to have citizens standing guard outside the homes of cops. Cops are not prevented from being armed off duty. They also can have on-duty patrols.

    This was a hit. A hit by a group of thugs. An armed citizen would have been taken out too, unless of sufficient training and armament.

  14. The interwebz allows instantaneous comment, not necessarily based on consideration or deliberation. I’m a big believer in the Gaussian distributive paradigm of most everything.

    Roughly 70% is a spectrum of the middle.
    ~ 10% left and right are 1st Standard Deviation
    ~5% left and right are 2nd Standard Deviation

    (Deviation from the Norm or the 70% Center spectrum – not Deviants like perverts)

    Cops, citizens, negroids, caucusoids, &c.

    In a country of 360 million souls, that 5% 2nd SD is enormous – roughly 18 million hard liners, 36 million left AND right, more than enough to foment discord on a national scale.

    I think this is why most of our politicians try to keep their diatribe more or less civil, if not completely dishonest milquetoast, or because of abject cowardice. The socialists know this, and are more than ready to capitalize on the reticence. The negro stooges can march around braying “pigs in a blanket, fry em up like bacon” but woe unto some cop who brays “thug in a hoodie, shoot it like a mad dog.”

  15. 1) If you think cops killing innocent people during botched raids is a “black helicopter” story, you need to pay more attention to the news.

    2) A man was murdered. Yeah, I kinda noticed. That was my entire point. Perhaps you’re the one that’s “think skulled”?

    3) Was he innocent? Beats me. The people who killed him didn’t seem to think so. Was he any more innocent than a baby who had a concussion grenade thrown through a window into his crib by a cop during a “no-knock” raid? I very much doubt it. (http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/swat-throws-grenade-in-playpen/) in case you missed it

    4) My phrase would be less inflammatory, mainly because I’m not actually espousing killng anyone. I’m simply pointing out that cops do this exact sort of shit every single day.

    5) Take five and practive some reading comprehension skills.

  16. Please ost before you get drunk and stupid. You want to talk about the feds and some of the shit they’ve done, let’s talk. But the cops are our local guys: fathers and brothers. Neighbors and church members. They are like us. And the only people who usually badmouth them are the douchbags who ran afoul of the law and aren’t man enough to admit their fault. The violent rouge cop is 1%, at best, and no one dispises him more that the other 99%. So when the subject matter of a police officer murdered in his home just for being a cop comes up, try a little more thoughtful commentary than
    “…those who wouldn’t hesitate to murder us in our homes?”
    What does that have to do with this cop? Did you know him, or about allegations against him? I think we’ all like to hear them if so. Otherwise I suggest you log off and have another beer.

  17. I commente earlier that you were typing drunk/angry, but I was wrong. You’re one of those semi-literate conspiracy theorist anarchist douchebags. You have opinions on Roswell, Dealy Plaza and 9/11. How many copies of ‘Catcher In The Rye’ do you own? ‘ Loose Change ‘ was good though (sarc).

  18. No Knock warrants are generated by some dumb ass D.A. that normally gets the addresses wrong, approved by a judge and then the cops are ordered to carry it out. If you gotta beef with No Knock warrants you’re attacking the wrong group of people.

  19. I am a police officer. I in no way take part in or condone the killing of innocent people or violating anyone’s constitutional rights. Cops are people. Sometimes mistakes happen. When they do, cops are severely punished.

    Are there bad cops or there? Yes. And they are a small, small percentage. Are there bad departments in the U.S.? Possibly. But not where I live and work.

    Are there bad lawyers? Yep. Doctors? Sure. Plumbers? Most likely. Teachers? You bet. Clergy? No doubt. Politicians? Um…..Are there any good ones?

    So, if I understand harbqll right. All of these professions are evil and deserve to be hunted and killed. Maybe I misunderstood him. I’m only a stupid co-op after all.

    I took an oath when I was hired to uphold the Michigan constitution and the U.S. constitution. I take that oath very seriously. Above that, my standard is a Biblical one, higher even than what is required of me by my department.

    And, harbqll………no matter how bad you hate me or how negative you are……I would always respond to help you whenever you called for me. I know, I know…….”you’ll never need the police”. Maybe…. .but if you ever did, I would be there for you……….

  20. The Biblical standard is the highest any of us can aspire to. I was glad to read your comment.

    My problems with police in general stems from personal history with a corrupt local department and the so-called “justice system” that covered up the crimes rather than prosecute the corrupt local cops. After this experience, i kept an eye on local cops in newspaper and news reports. I was unpleasantly surprised by how rampant corruption was throughout the system.

    In one notable case, a local cop was stopped by a state trooper for speeding (90+ MPH) and DUI (with open containers of alcohol). This trooper was and instructor for training local police on how to properly perform DUI stops. The trooper’s video showed the local cop cursing at the trooper, staggering around and yelling about how he was a cop and the trooper couldn’t pull him over. He also refused a breathalyzer and a blood test (which the average person can’t do – the state law compels a blood test if the breathalyzer is refused).

    Instead of requesting a jury trial, this cop requested a bench trial (decision by the judge alone) and received it within a few weeks (most cases lingered for more than a year before adjudication at the time). The state trooper testified and presented the video evidence that would have most certainly convicted the average person (and the local “prosecutor” was noted in the press as being practically silent throughout). The judge acquitted him immediately and refused to comment to the press.

    The local police had hidden video evidence of the interview with their own cop in which he admitted he had been drunk when he was stopped (an the prosecutor had never asked about it because he was in on the fix). It was only revealed after the sham trial under a FOIA request. Only then was the cop “punished” by being suspended for a couple of days. The average person would have had their life ruined for quite a while under the same circumstances – suspended license, thousands of dollars in court costs and court imposed “classes”, attorney’s fees, etc.


    This acquittal for cops charged with DUI wasn’t an isolated occurrence either …. just the most egregious one I saw. There were also many cases of corruption reported at higher levels (like missing funds and many other things) as well that never went anywhere.

    God bless good cops. The problem I see locally was that the bad cops were protected by the system rather than punished by it. Sadly, I’m afraid the local situation is repeated much more often than a lot of people would like to admit.

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