Poll Finds 40 Percent Of Democrats Are Dirtbag Losers – IOTW Report

Poll Finds 40 Percent Of Democrats Are Dirtbag Losers

Daily Caller

President Donald Trump announced he and First Lady Melania Trump both tested positive for the coronavirus early Friday morning. While the diagnosis of a potentially fatal virus has worried some, 40 percent of Democrats polled are “happy.”

Morning Consult/Politico conducted a poll among 1,000 Americans Friday to get their take on the latest announcement.

40 percent of Democrats said they were “happy” to hear the diagnosis, while 41 percent of Democrats felt “indifferent.” Meanwhile, 55 percent of Republicans reported feeling “sad” upon hearing the news, while 51 percent felt “worried.” More

26 Comments on Poll Finds 40 Percent Of Democrats Are Dirtbag Losers

  1. 91% of Democrats were happy or indifferent regarding the health of the President. They really hate him and all he stands for, guess how they feel towards a society that supports Trump?

    You can bet this percentage applies to all people who differ with their world view, this is why wars get started. Human life if secondary to their ideology.

    But then we already knew that.

  2. I left Costco yesterday and pulled up behind a Prius at the next traffic light. On the rear hatch was a sticker that said Mega Guillotine 2020 and had a picture of a guillotine on it. People better come to the realization pretty soon that we are headed toward a civil war and it is going to be against these subhuman pieces of shit who are the heirs of the element in France who slaughtered babies wholesale in the Vendee’, and since that time have practiced genocide each and every time they have been able to rise in stature and come to power.

    These are not human beings. They have, of their own volition, left humanity behind and descended to the point that they are subhuman pieces of shit. Hostile to The Good, hell bent on increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death.

    They are Satan’s footsoldiers and their aim does not end with increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death here on earth, their ultimate aim is separating human beings from God and condemning as many innocent souls to an eternity with them in hell as they possibly can, where they can continue to get their rocks off tormenting them.

  3. Wait, my mistake, 81% of Democrats. Wouldn’t want to smear that last 19% who were probably out rioting or too stoned to understand the question.

    I also noticed that Republicans are so concerned they gave 106% to the poll.

  4. I celebrated the death of RGB because she was an evil bulwark against ending the national abomination of genocidal murder by abortion. I feel the same way about Stalin, Mao, and that German guy with the silly mustache.

    The Democrats wish death upon good people, like the Trumps, because they want to install a despotic government that tells you how to live every facet of your life. Zero freedom!

  5. Why don’t we just say democrats are dirtbag losers who only want everything you have without going to the trouble of acquiring it by actually WORKING.
    When you cut away the BS, that’s all that’s left.

  6. Not all Democrats are sub human, some are merely Sheep….but , to some degree, about 20 % are and they are Nihilistic, unconnected to reality and construct their own connection to the world, lack empathy so virtue signal in order to hide this fault, survive time and evolution by protecting only the Self (would not have risked all as Founding Fathers, stayed at the Alamo etc) lack humor or confuse it with bad words and snarkyness, fear and hate the Individual and seek clans and groups to hide in and propagandize for protection and cannot build for now or the future so seek Power and form groups for protection. They teach, practice Law, govern, evaluate and their wealth is their mind, warped as it is, so that they can flee danger with all that they care about…not family. Cannot create to Humanity and Civilization but destroy it for the smokescreen of chaos. Others, Humans, in the Professions, seek to help others, be honest, contribute to all, cherish the family etc…You get enough subhumans into Power and their hatred of Individuals who have evolved always leads to mass extermination…

  7. I’ve read through some of the comments posted by fuckwit progtards, people hoping for a horrible, painful death for both the president and his wife. All I can say is I pray everything they’ve wished for is visited upon them. In spades.

  8. This virus is no more dangerous than the seasonal flu. Possibly less so. So-called conservatives have become the sheep the leftists want them to be by sustaining an argument over this contrived plandemic. Arguments are useless with leftists. Act or move on.


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