Polls Show Voters Believe Trump Will Win 2nd Term – IOTW Report

Polls Show Voters Believe Trump Will Win 2nd Term


National Public Radio (NPR) led the reporting on its poll with PBS Newshour and Marist on the 2020 election with presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) being on the rise among the 20 candidates who want to challenge President Donald Trump.

But the very last line of the NPR report shows that it may not matter who wins the Democratic nomination, with 46 percent of respondents saying Trump will be reelected compared to 37 percent who think a Democrat will win.

The poll also shows that 49 percent of independents believe Trump will win a second term compared to 32 percent of independents who think he will not. More

18 Comments on Polls Show Voters Believe Trump Will Win 2nd Term

  1. If you watched Life, Liberty & Levin this past Sunday you’ll know that the influence that Google has on people could turn the 2020 election with ease. The link below is an excerpt from the program.

    When Levin’s guest on that show, a self-professed leftist that states that he greatly admires the Clintons and voted for Hillary is hugely concerned about the influence Google had on the 2016 and 2018 elections and what they will undoubtedly do in 2020, it’s time to sit up and take notice.

    The big question is what can be done to counter the actions of Google?

    Stop thinking that this one is in the bag folks because it isn’t.


  2. Let’s hope people who support Trump don’t get lazy thinking enough people will vote for him so they don’t have to get to the polls. That kind of thinking got Maine Janet Mills former crack addict.

  3. I don’t know what to think. The President pushing for zero or even negative interest rates sent a chill up my spine the other night. As much as I support the President, I do not support THAT. WTF is going on? End games? Because that one is.


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