Pompeo announces State Department will close loopholes in Mexico City policy – IOTW Report

Pompeo announces State Department will close loopholes in Mexico City policy

WFB: The Trump administration is taking further steps to ensure that taxpayer dollars are not used to pay for abortions overseas.

On Tuesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the department will take steps to “protect the least amongst us.” Upon taking office, President Trump issued an executive order restoring the Mexico City Policy, which blocks federal foreign aid money from being used to pay for abortion. Pompeo said the agency would take further steps to ensure that foreign aid money is not given to third party groups or subcontractors who perform abortions.

“We’ll continue to refuse to provide assistance to foreign [non-governmental organizations] who perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning,” Pompeo said at a press conference. “We will enforce a strict prohibition on backdoor funding schemes and end-runs around our policy.”

Pompeo said that closing the loopholes better reflected the administration’s commitment to a pro-life approach to foreign aid. Taxpayer dollars and foreign aid make up a large percentage of abortion providers operating overseas. A Government Accountability Office report found that federal money accounted for 68 percent of International Planned Parenthood Federation’s revenue in 2015 alone. IPPF did return request for comment.

The announcement was welcomed by pro-life groups. Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life, said stricter enforcement measures are needed to protect the dignity of human beings worldwide.  more here

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