Pulitzer-winning journalist to sue Michigan Gov. Whitmer over nursing home death data – IOTW Report

Pulitzer-winning journalist to sue Michigan Gov. Whitmer over nursing home death data


Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Charlie LeDuff says he is pursuing a lawsuit against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to gain access to data about nursing home deaths in the state. more here

8 Comments on Pulitzer-winning journalist to sue Michigan Gov. Whitmer over nursing home death data

  1. This trans-looking governor needs to go the way of Cuomo & Newsom.

    You can’t convince me she’s NOT Bruce Jenner doing the trans thing…
    You’ve never seen a picture f the 2 together have ya? LMAO!

  2. Just as tragic is that these men and women who died were unable to receive in-person visits from their loved ones before they died. Whitmer and Cuomo sentenced them to death in solitary confinement. Fauci and the criminal media made sure they wouldn’t receive life-saving drugs or be transfered to open hospital beds (of which there were thousands). Nurses and hospital staff danced for their own UToob videos while beds stood empty — never alerting the public of the media’s lies.

  3. Also, it is possible the nursing home decision was given to whitchmer and cuomo. I dont see them thinking anything up. Another directive from above? Just like stopping the vote counts. BHO?

  4. How much of our continued COVID torture (lockdowns, mandates, school closures) directly results from the decisions of Cuomo (NY), Phil Murphy (NJ), Tom Wolf (PA) and Whitmer (MI), which artificially and unnecessarily increased the death counts and death rates, massively amplifying the panic associated with COVID?
    If they hadn’t deliberately caused increased deaths, there would have been less panic overall, and our lifestyles wouldn’t be so impacted.
    They are ALL asshole.


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