Queen of Crass Shows Off White House Decorations in Terrible Fashion – IOTW Report

Queen of Crass Shows Off White House Decorations in Terrible Fashion

John Nolte at Breitbart

With her holiday video, the Not a Medical Doctor Dr. First Lady Jill Biden has focused on the “ass” in “class” and delivered a nightmare of smug.

Because I’m an overpaid professional, I had to watch the whole thing. Trust me, you don’t have to, and I promise the video does not improve as it goes along. I would sum it up this way: It’s like someone slipped LSD into David Lynch’s Christmas punch, locked him in the Overlook Hotel, and removed his talent. More

The narcissists who left black scuff marks all over the WH’s beautiful parquet floors, Dorrance Dance, are certified leftist cretins. Here

23 Comments on Queen of Crass Shows Off White House Decorations in Terrible Fashion

  1. The only thing Christmas was the decorations.
    The music wasn’t Christmas and the Alice in Wonderland dancers add to the confusion.
    (I think whoever planned this disaster found another stash of hidden coke)

  2. Was that tap dancing? Or something else?

    I don’t think the White House makes a good set for a Christmas dance musical.

    The choreography kinda sucked.

    The music was not that appropriate.

    As far as them being Leftist Cretins, I have to assume no self-respecting, American patriot would set foot in Biden’s White House. Particularly now.

    I give it a ‘D.’

  3. The AA woman at the beginning, in the blue dress, dancing with her gaping mouth open…reeeallllly expresses a child’s wonderment of Christmas.

    The decorations are like Dr. Seuss. They said Nutcracker so I was expecting Sendak. I thought tap dancing was racist. At least they had a dog faced pony tin soldier…!

    It’s all so wrong wrong wrong.

  4. Well there’s gonna be a freaker’s ball (ha ha)
    Tonight at the Freaker’s Hall
    And you know you’re invited one and all
    Uh oh

    Come on baby, grease your lips
    Grab your hats and swing your hips
    And don’t forget to bring your whips
    We’re going to the freaker’s ball (yes)

    Blow your whistle, and bang your gong
    Roll up something to take along
    It feels so good, it must be wrong
    We’re freakin’ at the freaker’s ball

    Well all the fags and the dykes they’re boogie-in’ together
    The leather freaks are dressed in all kinds of leather
    The greatest of the sadists and the masochists too
    Screaming please hit me and I’ll hit you

    The FBI is dancin’ with the junkies
    All the straights, swingin’ with the funkies
    Across the floor and up the wall
    We’re freakin’ at the freaker’s ball, y’all
    We’re freakin’ at the freaker’s ball

    Everybody’s kissing each other
    Brother with sister, son with mother
    Smear my body up with butter
    And take me to the freaker’s ball

    Pass that roach please, and pour the wine
    I’ll kiss yours if you’ll kiss mine
    I’m gonna boogie ’til I’m cold blind
    Freakin’ at the freaker’s ball

    White ones, black ones, yellow ones, red ones
    Necrophiliacs looking for dead ones
    The greatest of the sadists and the masochists too
    Screaming please hit me and I’ll hit you

    Everybody ballin’ in batches
    Pyromaniacs strikin’ matches
    I’m gonna itch me where it scratches
    Freakin’ at the freaker’s ball, y’all
    We’re freakin’ at the freaker’s ball

    We’re at a ball
    We’re freakin’ at the freaker’s ball.

  5. Just when ya think the Biden’s couldn’t go lower, they hit it out of the park into the gutter again…

    Why can’t the message of Christmas be Christmas and not some woke message leaving you gagging and shaking your head.

  6. The white dancers were dressed androgynously or the one guy with an animal head while the black dancers were at least dressed as two recognizable females and one male. But yeah the woman full of childish wonder that’s so ridiculous, the female dancer in costume extremely skimpy is this for the consumption of children?


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