Rand Paul 911 Audio Released – IOTW Report

Rand Paul 911 Audio Released

He sounds banged up.

8 Comments on Rand Paul 911 Audio Released

  1. My father got injured and I called 911 as a kid, and those dummies just DON’T LISTEN.

    Our road split in the middle and had separate names b/c it was too long, and the 911 dummies couldn’t find the name of the old road.

    My father stumbled to the phone and said, “Listen you dumb motherfuckers! I’m dying here! It’s the same damn road! Just follow the new road name to the middle where it splits! My son will be outside to guide you in.” –SLAM!

  2. Anyone who’s actually cracked a rib understands.

    Had this happen to me after getting thrown from a bicycle. Hurts every time you frickin’ breathe. If I remember the story right, Paul had three ribs broken. I don’t even want to go there.

  3. Costrocondritis. Popped ribs out of the sockets twice while active. A solid month of misery you can’t escape.

    That’s if you don’t get water on the lungs.

    Cracked, good god…..

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