Rasmussen – 88% of voters say they are now certain how they will vote- Trump has a 10-point lead over Clinton – 53% to 43%. – IOTW Report

Rasmussen – 88% of voters say they are now certain how they will vote- Trump has a 10-point lead over Clinton – 53% to 43%.


Trump has cracked that 50% threshold that naysayers said he would never achieve.


Republican Donald Trump has a three-point lead in Rasmussen Reports’ White House Watch survey. Among voters who are certain how they will vote, Trump now has over 50% support.

22 Comments on Rasmussen – 88% of voters say they are now certain how they will vote- Trump has a 10-point lead over Clinton – 53% to 43%.

  1. 53-43. Probably still an understatement.

    I suspect he’s had a 10 to 15 point lead all along since the GOP convention at least.

    Come on Wikileaks, or Comey. Announce that final nail in her coffin.

  2. I still think the polling is off and Trump will win by a larger margin. I have known too many people who really didn’t like either candidate, but disliked Trump less. These people will vote for Trump, but will never admit it publically.

    Trump’s rise in the polls may be because Clinton is being exposed for what she really is, Trump has spent the past several days staying on message and people are now admitting to pollsters they will vote for Trump. I have believed for a few weeks now that Trump will win – even when Clinton supposedly held a commanding lead. I know what the media touted, but Trump was pulling thousands of people to his rallies and Clinton was struggling to gather a couple of hundred attendees. Voters don’t go to hear a candidate like Trump speak if they are satified with the status quo.

  3. There are NO Hillary campaign signs in yards around here. Nothing.
    Saw 2 more Tump signs in a nearby neighborhood- like people are feeling braver as the election day looms.
    Online, my crazy FB Bernie lefties are begging each other to come out to vote for Hillary. They all seem disinterested except for the really whacked out ones. The whacked out ones are far gone- like a NeverTrumper. Conspiracy theories etc…
    Im disappointed that WA state won’t be part of the Trump Train but I don’t feel like my vote is wasted.

  4. Illust8r — “Im disappointed that WA state won’t be part of the Trump Train but I don’t feel like my vote is wasted.”

    Not so fast, my dear. 🙂 Been dialing away (well, the computer does it) and I think there will be some fun and surprising outcomes here in WA. In western WA we had 20K+ thousands turn out on short notice at just two rallies, remember. Our GOTV activities have been very successful and we worked overtime (and creatively) on registering people. By creatively, I mean we went into the lion’s den. Our fearless volunteers have been up at dawn and work all day! Our votes are incredibly far from useless, so everyone, everywhere! call up that last, remote contact and drive them to the drop off box or polling place if that’s what it takes!

  5. Where else can the independence go except to finally vote Trump?
    Cruz did not magically descend from the sky, surrounded with angelic glory and an army of angels and magically reappear on the ticket.
    Hilary is unthinkable.
    They have no choice but to break for Trump.

  6. trump’s gonna win big time, and i must admit that i had my doubts along the way

    and, despite the criticisms of him being a non-political outsider, i think his success as president may be unprecedented and change the model we have followed for selecting presidents in the future

    this guy is full of ideas, energy, piss and vinegar

  7. @Abigail @Joe There’s only one place I’m comfortable talking about politics and it’s at the small gym I go to. It’s like a bastion of conservatism in the middle of Libtardville. We outnumber THEM and we’ve converted a few ladies who were diehard Hillary supporters.

    However, the people in high tech that I know are a lost cause.

  8. Here’s a little trivia for yo’all:
    Some months ago, Irish Bookmaker, Paddy Power had Trump at 100/1 to win the election. He had Cliton at 2/15.
    In the last 48 hours or so 110 thousand euros have been bet on the US election. 91 percent went on Trump at 9/4. Cliton is now 1/3.
    Paddy is now shitting a brick because if Trump wins, which I am sure he will, and by a landslide, Paddy will surely go bankrupt. I sure hope he has laid off some of those bets. On a personal note.
    I won 20 shillings at a Paddy Power’s office back in 1957 when Mr. What won the Grand National in England. That, at the time, was a weeks wages for an apprentice carpenter. Damn Am I old!

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