Red State Blue State, Broke State Healthy State – IOTW Report

Red State Blue State, Broke State Healthy State

Its a new year and time for states to discuss their current year budget projections.  In California they made a little accounting error calculating the cost of the state’s Med-Cal program, to the tune of $1.6 billion deficit.  Jerry Brown is now calling on his Democrat controlled state government to find $3 billion in cuts in order to address the unexpected short fall.

In Wisconsin, they are projecting they will finish the coming year with a $362.2 million surplus thanks to higher than expected income tax receipts and budget cuts.  Some might consider that good news, but in Scott Walker’s Republican controlled state government they are getting to work on tax cuts to give that money back to its citizens.

California deficit Here

Wisconsin surplus Here

14 Comments on Red State Blue State, Broke State Healthy State

  1. It’s not just an accounting error – California tax receipts are down as well. Brown had previously noted that California is a progressive state, and progressive states “ask” their wealthier citizens to pay more of the government burden. That sounds noble until one realizes that some of those wealthier citizens are bolting for friendlier states.

    And no, the high speed rail project will not be scrapped. This is Brown’s legacy project, and if it is killed, a new governor will have to ax it.

  2. Also -the politcians in CA don’t want to give up the train boondoggle because there are some people making serious money on the taxpayer dime from it. the train will never happen, but several people will get rich from it.

  3. I hope and pray President Trump will immediately stop all federal funding to Cal and send in troops to arrest all politicians who violate immigration laws. These are elitist scum calling for outright lawbreaking to defy the new Prez.
    I say lock them up and if they resist shoot them on sight. Same with blm, la raza and muslim radicals.

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