Rules Committee Moved Debt Ceiling Deal Last Night, Full Vote Today in the House – IOTW Report

Rules Committee Moved Debt Ceiling Deal Last Night, Full Vote Today in the House

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The bipartisan agreement to raise the debt ceiling and limit government spending passed a critical test in Congress on Tuesday, advancing out of the House Rules Committee despite opposition from some conservatives.

With the clock ticking to prevent the nation from defaulting on its debts the committee, which sets ground rules and the length of time for debating legislation and any amendments allowed, voted 7 to 6 to move the bill to the House floor, where a vote is expected Wednesday. More

15 Comments on Rules Committee Moved Debt Ceiling Deal Last Night, Full Vote Today in the House

  1. “limit Government spending” LOL Should read maintain he highest spending in history following the faux pandemic to accelerate the path to $40 TRILLION as a national debt.

  2. “…limit government spending….”

    So they are putting comedy into news stories now? Next year they will raise the debt ceiling again. Maybe they mean “We will spend only $8 Trillion more instead of the $10 Trillion we really want to spend.”

  3. Bipartisan, sure, but you mean uniparty.

    4 trillion more. Adding all that debt, yet Joe is out there stomping his feet claiming he balanced the budget. Republicans nod along. “Honey, we added 4 thousand to the credit card revolving balance last month, our budget is finally balanced!”

    Also, do we really have RINOs when they comprise the majority? They’re just Republicans at this point.

    2 fake peachmints against DJT. Now we got Bribem out there doing actual crimes and real damage to America and not a freaking peep from Republicans that control the house. Pussies.

  4. Like most votes, the majority of Republicans will vote no so they can say they voted against, but enough will vote yes for it to pass. Then the Republicans will claim that they saved the economy, and Dems will claim that they got Republicans to agree to everything they wanted. Which will be pretty much true. The last point, that is.

  5. Dr. Tar AT 4:43 PM^^^^The “last straw” was the coup agains’t DJT. Freedom is gone. Just look at the articles here today. The communist are solidifying their takeover more everyday.

  6. “With the clock ticking to prevent the nation from defaulting on its debts…” should read, With the bullshit meter spinning like a top to scare granny that the SS checks won’t be coming…

    The federal government takes in ~$4 trillion/year from taxes, tariffs, leases and fees(among other rake offs). That’s about $300 Billion a month, some months like April, for obvious reasons, more cash come in.(fucking Lucky Luciono is turning green with envy)

    Big Federal obligations like SS, SSDI, interest on the national debt(T Bills) Medicare & MediCaid are about $65 billion/month.

    You can stop the smack. I for one say WTF ever happened to a “budget” When did these CRs become the norm…oh wait, President Fundamental Change. Destroy established traditions. Destroy the Constitution. Destroy race relations. Destroy the military.

    Fuck them bitter clingers, right Barack?

  7. A lot of this could change with one very simple modification. End Base Line Budgeting. If our so called Freedom Caucus was serous about saving the country it would be the first thing they’d demand.
    As far as McCarthy goes, I, like I’m sure others here, have negotiated contracts. If it didn’t pencil, we walked out. He can’t do that. Lot’s of peeps are going to be missing paychecks if they don’t get this resolved. Where was the peanut gallery while the negotiations where going on. And Nancy Mace is a joke. She loves killing babies.

  8. The fed is eating this shite up… as long as the interest payments are made they don’t give a tinker’s dam about the ever growing principle. Money is ethereal and has NO foundation in reality. It is all smoke and mirrors. Truth be told, they could stop taxing us to death and it wouldn’t make a difference in their spending.

  9. McCarthy, GOP House Leader and the “George Custer” Speaker of the House. More Bravado than Principles.

    Consider McCarthy’s political distrust & death from the Conservatives in the House. However his RINO contributors and Rino Congressmen will retain him as speaker.

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