Russian Military Lands In Caracas To Protect Assets – IOTW Report

Russian Military Lands In Caracas To Protect Assets

Flight tracking websites followed two military transports originating in Moscow landing in Caracas, Saturday. About 100 military personnel debarked, which the Russian media claimed was simply an “exchange consultation.” More

The arrival of service personnel is more likely the embodiment of the commitment made earlier this year by the former super power to protect the interest of oil company Rosneft in the troubled South American nation. More

Our state department called the deployment a “reckless escalation.” “U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in a phone call on Monday that Washington would “not stand idly by” as Russia backed Maduro, who has overseen a dramatic collapse of a once-bustling economy.” More

13 Comments on Russian Military Lands In Caracas To Protect Assets

  1. Ahh, let the [political, socioeconomic] cleansing begin.

    Venezuela: Help me Mother Russia, you are our only hope.

    Mother Russia: I’ve been waiting for you, Venezuela. We meet again at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the Master.

  2. There’s no doubt that Maduro and his cronies have been stealing the country blind. There’s also no doubt that the CIA or NSA have details of money leaving the country, getting washed a few times and deposited into accounts that can be tied back to Maduro and the boys. Why not release all that detail to the socialist population and wait for the storming of the Palace regardless of how many Cubans or Russians are trying to prop up this criminal bastard.

  3. CIA/Pentagoons propagandists/liars abound!!
    Russia sends in help and the power goes out again!! USA’s Geo-terrorists at work to continue to destroy Venezuela. Get the incriminating details while they are available:

    “There will be no continuation of electricity in Venezuela until Maduro is removed”. My comment: How could he be so sure of this after Maduro got the lights back on the last time? Obvious answer: He knows the U.S. is doing it, and now has enough strategic assets in place to ensure the power never comes back on.”

  4. Newcomers need to be reminded about non-credible trollers:

    Now a factual reference:

    NYT’s Exposé on the Lies About Burning Aid Trucks in Venezuela Shows How US Government and Media Spread Pro-War Propaganda
    written by glenn greenwald tuesday march 12, 2019

    “But on Saturday night, the New York Times published a detailed video and accompanying article proving that this entire story was a lie. The humanitarian trucks were not set on fire by Maduro’s forces. They were set on fire by anti-Maduro protesters who threw a molotov cocktail that hit one of the trucks. And the NYT’s video traces how the lie spread: from US officials who baselessly announced that Maduro burned them to media outlets that mindlessly repeated the lie.”

  5. Send Occasional-Cortex as our liaison. She’ll open her mouth, thoroughly confuse the Russians, and they’ll pack up & go home, just to avoid listening to her anymore! 😳


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