San Francisco 49ers Pledge $500,000 to Push Suppressor Ban, Other Gun Control Measures – IOTW Report

San Francisco 49ers Pledge $500,000 to Push Suppressor Ban, Other Gun Control Measures


The San Francisco 49ers pledged $500,000 Thursday to secure a suppressor ban and other gun controls.

The push comes in the weeks after the Las Vegas attack. Suppressors were not used in that attack, but the 49ers are dedicated to banning the devices anyway.

According to ESPN, the 49ers presented the gun control pledge as part of creating a “more understanding and safer America.” The $500,000 will also be used to push a ban on bump stocks and armor-piercing bullets.

The ban on armor-piercing bullets is somewhat ambiguous, but appears similar to a ban which was unsuccessfully pushed by the Obama administration in 2015. The Obama-era actually targeted bullets that would have to be re-categorized as armor piercing in order to be banned.


35 Comments on San Francisco 49ers Pledge $500,000 to Push Suppressor Ban, Other Gun Control Measures

  1. Maybe an NFL team’s goal ought to be winning games and not pissing off their fans during the anthem.

    Hey dummies. You’re 0-7. And gun control is your focus. You’re even more stupid than I thought.

  2. F:. Will you go along with clapperdick’s activist girlfriend when she tells you to place signs at the entrance to all NFL stadiums stating, “no white guys allowed”.

  3. at 0 and 7, I would think the niners have other priorities. Ditto what Dianny, PHenry and Joe said. How are those political statements working out for ya so far, dumbasses

  4. I’ll agree to the suppressor ban when they go back to leather helmets.

    If I can’t protect my hearing, you can’t protect your head. Seems like a fair trade except that I still use my hearing.

  5. Cut their taxpayer subsidies NOW. If they want to throw away their own money to further their destruction…great. But keep their grubby overpaid mitts out of our pockets.

    Would love to see POTUS use his powerful pen on this one.

  6. What $500,000 ?!
    The $500,000 LESS they will make in concessions this weekend? rotfl
    They should add that all players will be holding their breath until the $500K goal is reached.

  7. Let me begin by saying I’m a Joe Sixpack. The real idiots here are the Joe Sixpack’s who, for some reason, can’t give up watching these morons. The NFL is going to come out of all this just fine because of the idiot working class guys who absolutely can’t bring themselves to simply turn it off and do something else on a Sunday. You have players giving black power symbols in the endzone after a touchdown. Getting on all fours, raising a leg and peeing like a dog after a touchdown (Odell Beckham), and guys are STILL watching. These guys could flip the finger right into the camera and say “f white people,” which is pretty much what they’re doing anyway, and guys would STILL watch.

    They are laughing at you.

  8. They did some fancy talking that kept the people from seeing where the financing was coming from for Levi Stadium.

    Another reason to boycott all NFL crapola. Last weekend I was at a friends house the the TV was turned to football, reason enough to move to another room and enjoy conversation and drink. The TV was soon changed as only one person was into football. Everyone else moved on.
    And screw them for being tax exempt and making the public fund stadiums, the free ride is about to run headlong into the Trump Train…. MAGA and God Bless and protect DJT.

  9. So all these kneelers want “equality”?

    Sounds good to me, their pay should be equal to the average American salary, no more, no less!

    Bunch of oppressed, pampered, millionaire, socialists.
    I won’t support socialists or the NFL who supports them.

  10. Kind of surprised about this what with the character of the average NFL player about that of a crack whore I would have thought the last thing they would want (thinking about their after NFL career path) are sound suppressors on guns made illegal.

  11. the nfl player anthem protest and now their gun control stance appeals to just what part of their core audience ?

    the soccer and tour defrance watching crowd ?

    useful idiots = nfl protesting players

  12. Until they solve the cultural problem in the hood, this is nothing more than a nuther Politically Correct fart in a hurricane.
    The real problem is not White supremacist cops shooting Blacks!
    The real problem is not Klansmen and Nazis marching down Martin Luther King Blvd!
    The real problem is not jobs.
    The real problem is Blacks killing Blacks and not giving a shit about getting an education and learning a skill to get a job with. It’s easier to blame Whitey! But nobody want to address the real problem cuz that would be raysis!

  13. I almost feel sorry for current college players. Where are they going to go after college? It’s going to be awful drafty in the draft next year. Maybe they’ll all join the Fight for Fifteen.

  14. The goal of socialism – to amalgamated everything possible, including the NFL. What does not conform is eliminated.
    The current Progressive insurance commercials are a great illustration of how socialism works. The following is ironic. Look what happens to the guy’s entertainment; .

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