School administrators don’t have much tolerance for student’s ‘straight pride’ posters – IOTW Report

School administrators don’t have much tolerance for student’s ‘straight pride’ posters

EAG: JASPER, Ind. – At least one student at Jasper High School has heard enough from his LGBT classmates.
The unidentified 16-year-old posted “Straight Pride” posters at Jasper High School last week, and the hilarious notices are not going over so well with school officials, the Dubois County Herald reports.

“Celebrate being straight at JHS by not annoying the heck out of everyone about your sexual orientation!” read the flyers, posted in the school’s hallways after classes last Thursday.  “It’s easy! Just come to the JHS, then you go about your day without telling everyone about how ‘different’ and ‘special’ you are!”

The straight pride posters were “brought to you by all the students that are sick of hearing about your LGBT pride,” they continued.

“Nobody cares about what you think you are,” the posters read. “If you want equality, stop shoving your ideas down our throats! We have nothing against your sexual orientation. We just don’t care!”

The fliers featured two rainbow flags, along with the message “We are taking back the rainbow.”  read more

32 Comments on School administrators don’t have much tolerance for student’s ‘straight pride’ posters

  1. Why don’t we pass a law that everyone will be educated via the internet and get rid of all the useless flotsam and jetsam that has attached to the public schools? Also, it would save us a grundle of tax dollars!

  2. Schools are supposed to be for learning, not for demonstrating pride in your sexual preferences. If they took this kid’s posters down, then they should take down ANY similar notices, regardless of which pervers- excuse me, – sexual identification is being flaunted.

  3. “We are taking back the rainbow” — Nice touch. Perfect.

    (Reminds me of a early West Wing episode when Sam says — as he plucks a crab puff off a visitor’s plate — “I’ll just be taking that.”)

  4. @BBrad ~ in celebration of International Woman’s Day I announced to all the women in the household that I will be assisting them in their empowerment by leaving the toilet seat UP!

    self-enablement is a wonderful, freedom-enabling feeling …. & we all know how ‘special’ feelings are in today’s society anarchy

  5. I hope all the women celebrating the so-called International Women’s Day are healed just a little by it. That’s a big, God-sized hole they’re dealing with, so I have my doubts.

  6. reminds me of the time when one of my elementary school grandchildren was telling me about how her teacher was teaching them about being ‘different’, & how some children were ‘special’

    I said, “yes dear, they’re special … just like everyone else”

    at first she looked a bit puzzled, then the lightbulb went off & she laughed & said she couldn’t wait to get to class to tell that to the teacher … I said for her to be careful, the teacher may not consider the remark as funny as she did.

    btw, she’s now in high school, & has made straight A’s every grading period since third grade, were they first started giving out grades.
    … brilliant child … takes after her grandfather 😛

  7. I had a chat Monday with a dad whose 2 boys are in my church youth group. I was with the younger kids on Sunday as we talked about courage. His older son was in the other group, and apparently they focused a lot on how much privilege straight white males have. Pretty hard to engage a straight white male when you are all hating on him.

    That inspired a Facebook post this morning, a quote from Richard Bach:
    “Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they’re yours.”

  8. It was a funny notice that was done tongue in cheek but raised a reasonable issue. The school board chose to silence the student and there is the major point to take away.
    People think that running for school board trustee or the PTA is a bit of a joke, more of a social thing and pretty well a waste of time. Nothing could be further from the truth. These two organizations are about the only two that can stand as a bulwark against all the politically correct bs that the kids are being taught from an early age. As the kid points out there’s nothing wrong with being gay but stop the constant drone about how great it is, how horrible straight males have been, how society has to accept every new gender nuance that surfaces each day without question. If conservatives held most of the PTA positions as well as most of the School Board Trustees it would be unlikely that this would happen. Hell, the kid ought to demand a “straight white celebration week” at the school or threaten to call a lawyer.

  9. As usual, the school celebrates and gives safe space to students expressing themselves……..unless you’re straight, white, or male. If you are all theee, STAY HOME. Oh I forgot conservative or especially a Trump supporter or patriotic.

  10. Get rid of the 1st amendment and free speech for one year and if someone says something you don’t like-smack the chit out of them and tell them what you think-no fall back-no law suites-only a cry baby running away with a bloody nose to mamma… back in my day that’s what we/ I did and there was no protest’s. I will kick azz and take name’s if anyone gets in my face with-gay pride-black lives matter- or what ever pisses me off for the day— 🙂 have a nice day and be happy LOL

  11. “People simply want to let you know that they have the right to object to your ideas. People can love you and disagree with you at the same time,” the student wrote.

    Eternal wisdom

  12. Entirely Predictable Response to This:

    “OMG!!!.. That sign is just dripping with hate!!!!… (sob!)… They’re just like the KKK!!!!… Just like them!!!!…”

  13. WTF business/right is it to have ANY organization or club, other than an academic based organization in schools, at any grade level. I said that in the ’70s and still believe it. Dang.

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