Scotland: Grimm’s Fairy Tales Scare The College Kids – IOTW Report

Scotland: Grimm’s Fairy Tales Scare The College Kids

The Lid: Time to feel bad for the everyone gets a trophy, no one loses, everything is done for them, hide in safe spaces generation who has never learned how to think for itself because they have been spoon-fed since birth. The everybody gets a trophy generation is seemingly getting weaker by the day; a university in Scotland has found it necessary to issue “trigger warning” for college students asked to read Grimm’s Fairy Tales for class.

Seriously, can millennials be any more ludicrous?

This season, Glasgow University gave details of its modern languages and cultures course that included readings of Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Of course, anyone familiar with the originals knows that they can be dark and violent tales of caution. read more

17 Comments on Scotland: Grimm’s Fairy Tales Scare The College Kids

  1. …I don’t know if there will be a safe space for them in the Lord’s Book of Life if they’re going to carry on this way…

    …and trigger warning on the Bible, it’s VERY judgmental and not all ALL gay/bi/trans friendly…

  2. that very same generation will turn on a dime and dictate how you’re supposed to live or else, they have no compassion nor empathy for others

    same thing with those who want reparations for slavery

  3. But violent video games and obscene rap songs, all okay. So are getting tattoos and body piercings and multilations, both painful and then enduringly disgusting-looking.

    This is all attention-seeking nonsense. An excuse for high drama. And it’s time it wasn’t catered to.

  4. To be fair, a lot of these fairy tales are very disturbing. Including the one where Nancy Pelosi lures children into her home by promising candy and free dental care, and then cooks them so they can “give back to society.” Or the story where Hillary has the miller’s daughter capped for revealing that Hillary’s maiden name is Rumplestiltskin. Or the tale where Bernie Sanders kills the golden goose and has the simpleton executed for being part of the 1%.

    These fairy tales are recounted over and over at each Democrat debate, and they just get more disturbing.

  5. Hey-
    As a millenial myself, and the sister of 5 additional- it has NOTHING to do with our generation.

    It has everything to do with systematic brainwashing and emotional abuse.
    Reality scares them.
    How much do you want to bet that these triggered students enjoy hyper violent demonic horror movies???

    It’s all a matter of context and for them the biblical lessons in Grimm’s fairy tales are a trigger.

  6. Boris ought to push the Scots into another referendum vote for the Scots and stop the government from getting involved at all (including spending and eliminating tax breaks for either side of the qwuestion). Get rid of them and I do believe that Britain ends up a solid conservative nation.

  7. …thank you, @chuffed-beyond-words, we do appreicate that many of your cohort, my son included, CAN think, and I apologize if we overgeneralize about millenials a bit too much.

    God bless you for keeping yourself out of those ways of thinking, and God bless your parents for obviously raising you right…

  8. I wasn’t fishing for compliments- but thank you anyway. 😊

    I just think that the media and other outlets try to use generations against each other by stereotyping.
    We need to avoid it.

  9. @ Chuffed: Reality scares them…. you hit the nail on the head.
    That is why their entire world is made up of fantasies: — the Hollywood movies, the video games, the political utopias, the end-of-the-world apocalypses, the no-math scenarios, the no right-answer liberal bull-shit courses, the druggie life-style escape from reality, no adulthood until age 26, and on and on and on …..


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