Seattle Councilmember thinks Tax Spigot will never run dry – IOTW Report

Seattle Councilmember thinks Tax Spigot will never run dry


Kshama Sawant wants city to double proposed head tax.

If Amazon can afford to spend billions on a second headquarters, it can surely afford to pay a head tax.

That was the sentiment from Councilmember Kshama Sawant, who wants the proposed tax on the wealthiest 10 percent of businesses in the city to be increased from $100 per employee to $200.

Council members Mike O’Brien and Kirsten Harris-Talley proposed a head tax for approximately 2,200 businesses who gross receipts value is at least $5 million per year. They say a business would pay an additional 5 cents an hour per employee to help “alleviate Seattle’s homelessness crisis.”

The two proposed the tax during the city’s budget process. If approved, the tax would have an effective date of early 2019. It would raise between $20 million and $25 million each year, according to O’Brien.

But why not up the ante? Sawant says.

Assuming the tax was increased from $100 to $200 per employee, Sawant says the city could raise at least $50 million a year. Amazon would pay about $8 million a year; not much when you consider the company’s yearly revenue, she says.

“That is less than six parts in thousand of one percent of their 2016 revenue,” she said. She added the fractions are “so small, it doesn’t even make sense. “It’s 1/625th of the money they … intend to use to build a new campus.”


ht/ illustr8r

31 Comments on Seattle Councilmember thinks Tax Spigot will never run dry

  1. Lol. Just wait until they get the legislative power to just up and seize businesses for the common good. I’m sure that’s percolating through the swiss cheese of their minds.

  2. How would $50 million alleviate Seattle’s homeless crisis? The same policies that contributed to this homeless crisis will still exist, only the city will have $50 million more to waste on things that won’t help at all. However, I do believe this waste of money will help alleviate the homeless situation in other areas as these folks will find a way to get to Seattle.

    I am, of course, assuming that a head tax will raise the money the politicians say it will, but in reality it won’t because people will find a way to avoid it. Socialism doesn’t work anyway, and fails quicker when people have a chance to leave or can elect not to go there in the first place.

  3. Kshama has not considered that Amazon’s second HQ might be intended to be its only HQ in the near future. She’d better be figuring how to implement a confiscatory corporate exit tax.

  4. I bought one of those Kshama Dingbats ASOTV.
    The thing didn’t perform as advertised. Left streaks on my car.
    Honestly. I have no pity for those that voted for a Kshama. You deserve the idiocy volunteered for.

  5. I can’t remember who said this last night on Pinko’s radio show, but conservatives DO need to move to red states and leave the free-spending Left to marinate in their own stupidity. It won’t take long before Seattle and King County is completely bankrupt.

  6. There’s a technically homeless guy in my D.C. neighborhood. Big strapping healthy black guy, looks like a 60ish Paul Robeson, ex Marine, stays fit. Sleeps out mostly, with a couple nights a week at a city Shelter for the hot showers.
    Nice, intelligent guy. He moves around the country and has an itinerary. Spring and fall in DC. By early December he’ll be in Florida, south of Tampa. Summers he likes Maine. Nice churches there. He enjoys National Forests.
    The homeless are very mobile. Thanks to public libraries, they’re online.
    Whenever a city hangs out a new improved Homeless Welcome sign, they come.


    True, but some is better than others, and certainly better than none.

    I hope Amazon splits. When the Semi Conductor Capital Equipment companies started expanding out of the Silicon Valley they expanded into Seattle and Austin. It wouldn’t take much for Lam or Amat to pull up stakes and leave. I hope this idiot kicks it up to $400.00 a head.

  8. The people who are HORRIBLE AT RUNNING A BUSINESS are the ones running the business of government.

    They raise the cost of the product, but the customer has no other choice but to buy it, or cancel their life and move away.

  9. Maybe she thinks no big business has ever sneaked out of a state under the cover of darkness without telling any tax collectors of their intentions beforehand.

    Some of us remember a team called the Baltimore Colts doing just that, though.

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