Secretary of Education Arne “Fisting” Duncan Stepping Down – IOTW Report

Secretary of Education Arne “Fisting” Duncan Stepping Down

Newser At the end of the year, Arne FISTING Duncan is stepping down as Education Secretary after seven years. According to a letter to staff that was obtained by the AP and confirmed by a White House official, Duncan is going back to Chicago to be with his family. Duncan, 50, has been the longest-serving secretary of education, according to the Washington Post, which just days ago reported on a speech Duncan gave calling on the US to fix education inequality: “Our K-12 system is basically funded at the local level. We are so property-tax-based throughout the nation, in far too many places, the children of wealthy get far more spent on them than the children of the poor. Until we get uncomfortable with that, we’re going to continue to have huge disparities.”

14 Comments on Secretary of Education Arne “Fisting” Duncan Stepping Down

  1. Old Arne’s educational primer is to spend, spend, spend, spend, and then spend some more! If you can finally spend at an optimal level than sooner or later, but probably later, some smarts are bound to stick to the students!

  2. “Our K-12 system is basically funded at the local level. We are so property-tax-based throughout the nation, in far too many places, the children of wealthy get far more spent on them than the children of the poor. Until we get uncomfortable with that, we’re going to continue to have huge disparities.”

    Uh, no, sorry. Thank you for playing.

    The yuge disparities are caused by children not prepared to engage in the learning process (how was that for PC-speak?).

    There is more money thrown at alternative skools, special education of all stripes, in-room assistants for reading, math, spelling, vocabulary, etc., etc., etc. There are special assistants for autistic children (in a mainstream classroom, mind you),

    We now fork over to provide breakfast, lunch, dinner and weekend meals. Charities provide a bazillion backpacks loaded up with every conceivable item for school. Volunteer tutors put in a bazillion hours waiting at the library for kids to come in.

    Kids who don’t want to learn, aren’t going to learn. That’s it in a nutshell. And if their parents are high school dropout, drug addicts with baby daddies and baby mommies, guess what the “family” values are? They won’t be connected to learning.

    So, Arne my friend, you’re as dumb as a mud fence when it comes to anything having to do with real education. Good riddance. And remember, just because you left early doesn’t mean Trump isn’t going to be investigating corruption at your agency — including you.

  3. Arne Duncan is a filthy fucking liar.
    I live in one of the poorest counties in America.
    Our High School is consistently in the Top 10 in America.

    Money? Nope.
    White? Mostly, but nope.

    Local Control? Ding, Ding, Ding!

    Don’t put up with shitty teachers and/or lazy students.
    Demand excellence, get excellence.

    Demand mediocrity, get mediocrity.

  4. My own research looking for a good magnet program in Houston suggested that most of the funding goes to students and prepared for school and the least is spent in higher rated schools with strong PTA’s caring, responsible parents with children that are prepared for the classroom. That simple; more money is not the answer.

  5. $$$ do not assure a good education. Parents that care and instill their kids with a sense of learning long before 5 yr old step into kindergarten do. And when a teacher corrects a kid, the parent takes the teacher’s side and not defend the kid at all cost
    If schools are funded at a local level , then why have any federal dept of education?. Shut it down tomorrow, take its budget give it back to the local level. The dept of ed has never taught a kid to read. it serves no purpose but a self perpetuating money sucking hole.

  6. Why isn’t this pedophile on the sex offender list? There is no telling what damage he has done. There was a brief kerfuffle when he was appointed then other scandals pushed him off the radar.

  7. ‘Parents’…. that’s another part of the issue. How many of these kids have father listed as ? ? ? because mama doesn’t know or care. Girls/women who choose single parenthood are a part of the problem.

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