Senate Democrat Effort to Create Massive Expansion of Abortion via Federal Law Fails by 11 Votes – IOTW Report

Senate Democrat Effort to Create Massive Expansion of Abortion via Federal Law Fails by 11 Votes


Senate Democrats wanted to manufacture a political optic using the hot button issue of abortion.  The senate pushed a bill for a massive expansion of abortion, far beyond Roe -v- Wade, to the floor.  However, the bill needed 60 votes to pass cloture, end debate.

Embarrassingly, and in a pure political stunt, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer summoned Kamala Harris to the upper chamber in the event she was needed for a “tie-breaking” vote.  However, cloture requires 60 votes, not 50, so the optics of Harris only highlighted the insufferable politics.

The cloture vote failed 49-51, far short of the 60 votes needed to end debate and attempt to pass the bill. Democrat Senator Joe Manchin voted with republicans to block the cloture effort. The federal abortion legislation now disappears back into the filing cabinet from which it came. more

8 Comments on Senate Democrat Effort to Create Massive Expansion of Abortion via Federal Law Fails by 11 Votes

  1. The purpose of the bill was to get soundbites for the November election, nothing more. Although of course if they could have passed it they would have.
    Not that those would help the Dems at all.

  2. LCD: They are totally misreading the support for abortion. Perhaps there would be more if the Left wasn’t talking about legalizing abortion until the child graduates high school.

    They have pushed and pushed until people cannot help but recognize the unmistakable presence of a camel’s nose in the tent.

  3. Never lose sight of one salient fact; the low information voter has been told (and they believe) that overturning Roe will make all abortions illegal throughout the land. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. Concepts like Federalism, state’s rights, and the democratic process are lost on them.

    The left would much rather have the judiciary do their dirty work for them because they know their positions are unpopular and would not pass muster with the average voter. Voters are too stupid to be trusted with issues that are as important as abortion.

  4. Hah! the wads couldn’t get a majority even cheating (bringing in the ringer)… well she’s actually the ‘vice ringer’ but ringers are usually high skill sneaked into a lower skill match. In this case it’s retards brought to grade school to shit on the desks.

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