Sessions to make DACA announcement Tuesday morning – IOTW Report

Sessions to make DACA announcement Tuesday morning

WaEx: Attorney General Jeff Sessions will be be making the Trump administration’s announcement on Tuesday about the future of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

Sessions will make the announcement from the Department of Justice in Washington at 11 a.m. and will take no questions from reporters, the department said.

19 Comments on Sessions to make DACA announcement Tuesday morning

  1. Donccha just love the label applied to illegal immigrants? “Dreamers”… aahhh, so peaceful sounding, so innocuous. Doncha love how the media point out that some are students, some are in the military, without indicating any semblance of practical numbers? Doncha love how the media point out exacting estimates of the dollars lost in taxes and SS if these “Dreamers” are waken from their peaceful American lives?

    On the other hand, doncha love how they completely ignore the crime and violence imported with some of these “Dreamers?” Doncha love how they never mention that “some” of these “Dreamers” aren’t on company payrolls, hence they aren’t paying taxes or SS? Doncha love how the media fail to include in their reports that “some” of these “Dreamers” don’t work at all and are sucking on the public teat without EVER paying a cent into it?

    Stop calling them “Dreamers.” It’s a nightmare.

  2. DACA was enacted in June 2012. Why the hell didn’t these people rush out and start their LEGAL immigration process? They’ve had plenty of time to get their shit together. I’m so sick of the media harping about how we should feel sorry for the people because they were just children. BS. NPR interviewed someone who has been here for 19 years!!!, and is still illegal. WTF!? At some point we have to realize that the American people are being taken advantage of here, and have been more than generous to these people in hopes that they’d DO THE RIGHT THING and become legal. At least residency status.

  3. The public announcement was that DACA would end on Inauguration Day. That works out to an EIGHT month “grace period” for those living in our home, and refusing to go back to their own homes, to have left, already. And counting. Now Mr. Sessions (appointee to the federal court, federal senator, federal attorney general), wants to announce a formal six month delay. Until, at least, two weeks after the Wisconsin primaries (amazing! how that works out, Mr. Sessions). A few weeks before the rest. See folks! Elections have consequences.

  4. How many actual “children” are involved here?

    I think it was the Daily Mail that reported a similar program in the UK consisted of 94% actual adults. Only 6% were actual children.

    How many of these “Dreamers” belong to a gang or have a criminal background?

    Aside from voting Democrat, what positive contribution to this country do these people offer?

  5. @bobdog September 5, 2017 at 9:08 am

    > Aside from voting Democrat, what positive contribution to this country do these people offer?

    They offer already resident hispanic competition — especially in Texas and California — to keep wages as low as possible. So employers don’t have to purchase more guest worker visas. And “not purchase” increases in the guest worker visa limits. Government authorized illegal immigrants cut down illegal immigration. It’s settled science.

  6. The way this year has gone, I actually care less about illegal “immigrants” and more about the illegal occupants of seats in Congress.
    Every single one of them has made their Oaths of Office laughable. Budgets, lack of legislation or legislation reform (only Executive Orders are made), ridiculously stupid “investigations” into crimes of nearly every Agency….
    It’s as if they think all they need do is fundraise for their own reelections, and check their bank account to make sure the direct deposit of their paychecks came through.

    Let them hear it, President Trump! “You’re Fired!”

  7. build The Wall
    shitcan DACA
    shitcan all Obama-era appointees
    shitcan Koskinen
    prosecute Lerner
    fire & prosecute the VA scumbags
    abolish the EPA (it was created by Nixon’s Executive Order, it can be shitcanned by Trump’s Executive Order)
    ….the list is endless

    Our Prez better stop surrounding himself with Swamp People like his daughter & son-in-law and give free rein to the swamp-draining anti-globalists.

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