Sexualization, Pornography, and Grooming in the Schools – IOTW Report

Sexualization, Pornography, and Grooming in the Schools

American Thinker: Concerned citizens all over the country are joining the resistance to what the sexual-radical Left calls “comprehensive sex education” (CSE).  One such group is Informed Parents of Washington (IPOW), who describe themselves as “a coalition of parents dedicated to fighting Comprehensive Sexxx Education in our schools and legislation that [infringes on] parental rights.”

They point out that 58% of participants in a statewide survey said they do not want CSE mandated in the schools.  But the Democrats controlling the state Legislature are ignoring the will of the people.  From IPOW:

Currently, Washington State Legislators have introduced 4 bills to mandate CSE to every school in Washington, grades K-12. While … districts will not be mandated to use one particular curriculum … we provide examples from each of the most popular choices. Make no mistake, they are all bad.

We are not against sexual education, but we are absolutely against the inappropriate, pleasure based components within CSE that we feel harm our children[.] … Elementary age children do not need to learn about masturbation. Teens should not be told that the pull out method is more effective than they think. Kids should not be taught that sexting is as innocent as watching a movie together, schools should not be suggesting co-bathing as an alternative. MORE

11 Comments on Sexualization, Pornography, and Grooming in the Schools

  1. People in Washington state need to stop bitching about it and start doing something about it. Recall petitions from state legislators to school boards. Maybe band together for a class action lawsuit. Crying accomplishes nothing. I learned that early in life.

  2. Harvey Weinstein for secretary of education in Washington state. WooooHooooo!

    Seriously. Can we give Washington state and Vermont to Canada? They are way past their expiration dates and they reek.

  3. I find it difficult to even read some of what those innocent, impressionable children are being taught. This is evil.

    Too many people give the answer to the problem: “pull your kids out of public schools” or “if you love your children, home school”.

    The perfect falls far short of the reality. Far too many parents could never afford to pull their children out, nor do all have the temperament or ability to home school.

    However, being involved, wresting control from the government and returning it to local school boards is more possible. We have become a go-along to get-along culture in too many important areas. Reading this article tells me this is one of the most critically important areas for all parents to become the rebels they need to be.

    Raise your voice, as suggested, read some of this crap into the public record, challenge the decadence of corrupting children under the guise of educating them.

  4. Seattle and The metropolitan Puget Sound region are ground zero for this bullshit AND don’t tell me this is a recent phenomenon. It has been going on here since I was a kid. The nutjobs have been right here all along.

    Here is a good interview of the gal above. I don’t agree with a lot of what she has to say, but then I rarely agree with anyone even close to 100%


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