Shady Muslim Land Deals in Pennsylvania Causing Concern – IOTW Report

Shady Muslim Land Deals in Pennsylvania Causing Concern


Hira Educational Services of North America, an Islamic group based in Newark, New Jersey who placed the winning bid on a 145-acre property in Pennsylvania, has kept their bid active by returning the required paperwork before the deadline of 5 p.m. Thursday.

Questions are still swirling, however, about just who the group is and what they actually intend to do with the property, should the sale go through.

It was reported on June 2 that the group placed the winning bid of $400,000 on the former Youth Development Center in Shenango Township, Pennsylvania.

The group’s website states that, “We offer our services to the Islamic Schools who are not getting the educational ads from the Government. Since the establishment of HESNA, over 200+ Islamic institutions and organizations throughout the United States have received counsel in the areas of strategic planning, board development, capital campaigns, recruitment searches, and executive coaching.”

However, Lawrence County Commissioners have expressed concern, as they have no information on the identity of the bidder, or what the actual intent is for the property. “We really have no knowledge on who the bidders are, (or) what their plans are,” said County Commissioner Dan Vogler, according to the Daily Caller.

Newcastle News reported that locals and township supervisors are becoming concerned about a possible collusion in the bidding process, as a man identified as Muhammad Asif Kunwar submitted an individual bid on the property – yet he is also listed as the president and CEO of Hira.

Kunwar reportedly placed the minimum bid of $300,000 under his own personal name, then Hira placed the winning bid of $400,000 after a Sumner McDanel placed a bid of $305,000. Kunwar signed the bid that he submitted personally, but did not sign the bid that Hira submitted.’



It’s not a phobia when you have rational reasons to be concerned.

ht/ fdr in hell


20 Comments on Shady Muslim Land Deals in Pennsylvania Causing Concern

  1. A block from my daughters elementary school a Catholic church was sold to muslims. They turned it into a mosque. Across the street from the mosque is a post office. Next door to the post office a muslim clothing store opened up. Two doors down from the mosque a liquor store was converted into a muslim restaurant. I’ll bet by the time my daughter moves on to high school that neighborhood will be completely overrun.

  2. I hear ya Jim, from the major city I’m from the Catholic Churches and schools are becoming muzie one by one.

    This job I had years ago had a muzie. He used to tell me when they call for jihad he would kill me. He would even explain how because he said I was his “friend” he would slide his finger across my throat and say he would kill me first and do it quick. I told him no, do me last, that I wanted to watch all my asshole coworkers die. All kidding aside I tried to handle his murderous explanations on my own. I told him to please stop with the descriptions several times over. Finally, a year later I told the big boss. Guess who was treated like the perpetrator, like the black sheep villain until they were driven to move on? I’ll let you guess.

  3. They use our own laws and apathy against us as well as the appearance of racism, phobia, and prejudice.

    They create chaos and then claim innocence in motive and intention.

    Welcome to dhimihood!

  4. Joe6pak,

    It is PA. It isn’t hard to find good rural land in th$2-4k range.

    There are a lot of old or restol strip mines around the is area. The land won’t good for farming for a few hundred years and can be had for less.

  5. Everybody has to die, I, for one, would not mind going out shooting these assholes. You only have to threaten me once, I hear you. I am not afraid, tell your friends.

  6. Plantsman-

    iOTWreport doesn’t communicate with companies that want to buy ad space.
    This is done through cookies and keyword sniffers.

    An ad company has thousands of clients who have paid for space and they ask them to find like-minded potential customers.
    Unfortunately, for them, when we do a story about Muslims their money gets spent on a site that is definitely not their audience.
    They would be furious, and I just sit back and laugh.
    You should do the same.
    Same as it was when Hillary ads would pop up on our site during the campaign.

  7. CraigAustin and crazyeighter, you don’t know how badly I wanted to rip off his face but at the time, being a single mother with no help in any way, I had to keep my cool and keep paying the bills. Ending up in prison would mean my child growing up with the government. No Way. Anyhoo, if you guessed it, I was the one treated like the horrible perp. I got out when I could. That place was a stepping stone. Full of libs, I was glad when I was free of them. I believe what God said…”Vengeance is Mine”. God doesn’t like it when heathens mess with his children. That business is slowly going bankrupt and it brings a smile to my face.

  8. “you don’t know how badly I wanted to rip off his face ”

    If it make you feel any better I through one across a machine shop back in the 80’s. It was fun,

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