The writing’s on the wall for Sleepy Joe Biden.
Even the Washington Post knows his re-election chances are dropping like the Hindenburg, loath though they are to admit it.
This weekend, a poll by the Lefty DC newspaper showed Donald Trump to be absolutely spanking the current commander in chief by 10 points, 52 percent to 42 percent among registered voters, should they face off in 2024.
The question is no longer can Trump win – it’s by what degree.
The Post – perhaps wishing it had never commissioned the poll in the first place – tried to bury the results below the fold, under a generic headline that made no mention of Trump’s hefty lead, and going so far as to laughably write off their own survey as an ‘outlier’.
Presumably editors were sent into a desperate tailspin attempting to play down the disaster poll, deciding that simply looking the other way will solve the myriad problems facing Biden.
Just weeks ago, a widely discussed Wall Street Journal poll put the two old men neck-and-neck at 46 percent. Now Joe is down by double digits: How far will he fall a month, a year from now?
But 900 million people will vote for Biden in 2024.
So it’s just like 2020 when they planned the big steal.
Hey! I get a say in this, too!
And – spoiler – I don’t say the “T” word!
See you at the polls!
Dominion, instead of closing your comment with *giggle* I suggest taunting or heckling laughter. Giggle seems a bit childish for a TRAITOROUS BASTARD!
We gots this covered, Dominion + Smartmatic = a winner.
Jack Posobiec tweeted Trump is polling larger than the margin of fraud
agree joe6pak, *giggle* is so feminine & gay
you’d think dominion’s remarks regarding blatant election fraud should be a more villionous mwahahaha
There is always hope. How can ones hope be dashed without it.
All of America wants a criminal Prez bent on destroying whatever is left. Of course we all do. Burn it all down America’s new motto.
” Giggle seems a bit childish for a TRAITOROUS BASTARD!”
It sounds like a damn faggot.
Nothing has been fixed. Executions have not happened. Mail-in ballots are already been printed and distributed. 5000 mules are already being recruited. Prove me wrong.
I’ll be very surprised if biden is still alive by Nov. But even if he isn’t, he’ll still win the election.
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I revoked my voter registration several months ago. When the nice lady inquired why, I told her one of the conditions of my employment was no affiliation with criminal activities, she quit talking.
Cue up the Wookie, Snopes just had to retract Big Mike’s pregnancy pictures and rerate them as false after it was proven to be poorly
done generated AI. They also admitted to trying desperately to find open source proof of her pregnanies. No such luck, because he is a TRANNY you stupid fucks. ValJar produced those kids.
That’s why the cabal cunt has resided with the Kenyan Queer for decades…
Hey big Mike’d prego pics have nuttin to do with this story. Of course they are 100% legit & yes the camera adds age to ones photo’s.
If we had military leaders that weren’t afraid of their own shadows we would have had a coup a long time ago and roast those commie fuckers! But it looks like America is fucked…of course the Generals will get their pensions.
I’m just going to say it… People are delusional ignorant idiots if they think polls matter. Or if they think Trump will be elected.
Two consecutive elections were stolen in broad daylight.
Why wouldn’t they do it again?
Who believes presidential election polls after 2016? They’re mostly psy-ops these days.
this is why Biden wont be the nominee. they might even wait till right befor the convention and push him out or he backs out for health. the convention votes for new nominee.
Trump better double his security detail. The fuckers are particularly nasty. They have absolutely no conscience and I mean that about anyone who has cast a legitimate vote for ANY Democrat since at least 2019.