Shot to the Heart – IOTW Report

Shot to the Heart

ht/ sns

43 Comments on Shot to the Heart

  1. Dude’s not dead so pray for him, but what the NFL is putting out is shit.

    They are saying he had an EMD from the hit, like he got thumped in the chest hard enough to stop his heart.

    And this is a thing. There is a phenomenon like a precordial thump that CAN stop your heart if you get a good chest hit at juuust the right time, and Ive seen people succumb to this.

    At auto accidents with significant bruising and usually a broke rib or two.

    You know what DOESN’T happen if you get this?


    …see, the dissociation happens at the time of the hit. This means the hit stops your heart. Pulseless people do not typically get back up, walk a few steps, then go back down.

    As this guy did.

    Also, it looks like he goes into a decordicate posturing immediately after he goes down. I have seen this on regular ass jabbed human beings a couple of times at this point, and also you can see this a time or two in the “Died Suddenly” documentary footage. He apparently arrested AFTER that because, again, YOUR MUSCLES DON’T WORK TOO WELL WITH YOUR HEART STOPPED.

    They will NEVER tell us the truth, because they don’t want all the million dollar sports machines they FORCED the jab on getting anxious, angry, and sue-ey.

    But this is not normal.

    Atheletes DO have cardiovascular issues beyond non-atheletes like enlarged hearts, aneurysms, and such, so it’s not impossible it’s “something else”.

    …but you must admit that sports in general and the NFL in particular has had one HELL of a lot of “something else” lately.

    Almost like they all got some sort of the same medical treatment at the same time, or something…

  2. It was a normal tackle. Nothing special. I could be wrong (and I hope i am), but he’s either dead right now or is very seriously ill and the NFL is scrambling around trying to get the narrative under control so people won’t say it’s their fault for forcing him to get the clot shot.

  3. …also, I rang in New Year’s Day by picking up my MIL off the bathroom floor in the house she lives in with us when she hit with the thud of a wet mail sack around 0700ish (no, she doesn’t drink, smartasses, she’s diabetic with neuropathy and also 80ish with balance problems). Happily she didn’t REbreak the neck she broke the LAST time, but she DID lacerate her scalp and break her foot.

    This meant I spent 5 odd hours in the ER, ducking out when the wife helped MIL with pee things. I was wearing my responder jacket with a Star of Life on it and I am WAY past being intimidated by hospitals, so I lurked and listened a bit at what proved to be a VERY busy ER just to see what’s up. Old duffers having geriatric issues of course, but at least 3 younger “suddenlies” including a security guard chick who was late teens or early 20s at most who was presenting with shorness of breath and chest pains like an 80 year old.

    This was random day in random ER, and all this going on with young people.

    This is not normal. I don’t care what anyone says, young people didn’t used to have old people problems like this.

  4. Everyone that got the clot shot should get a body length arteriogram and find a doctor that doesn’t believe in the shot and has an intuitive logic as to how fix these things….

  5. Mrs radiomattm
    JANUARY 2, 2023 AT 10:48 PM

    Thank you and may you and yours walk in blessedness this year as well, but I’m having to learn new things too as this continues, whether I want to or not.

  6. I’ve been watching this stuff for awhile now, most of them soccer players and they all seem to collapse the same way. Media is spinning it as an injury from a scary hit. NFL is saying a hit to the heart.
    It’s pretty easy to find out which Bills players weren’t jabbed, they’ve all had to follow the 5 day protocol if exposed to covid and his name wasn’t on that list.

  7. bob frapples, it’s not political, it’s that it’s time for them to come clean. Until that time there is no way to find out if there’s a way to overcome the death jab. It’s too late for some in my family and others won’t admit they suddenly started having all of these illnesses and strange things going on with their health since the death jabs, but if they come clean and doctors actually start looking for a way to save these people, then maybe I won’t get the phone call that says they just collapsed or died in their sleep.

  8. First thought, the jab. SNS reminds, if a thump arrhythmia arrest occurs at the moment and it’s very unlikely a person will make coordinated movements under that circumstance.

  9. bob frapples
    JANUARY 2, 2023 AT 11:02 PM

    ..Bob, this ain’t political to me. I’m tired of having to manage chest pains, seizure, miscarriages, and full arrests in 19 year old kids just in the last 2 years when I’m an electrician and should be managing robot problems instead.

    I did this a few decades ago for real and ran the streets on a squad for 10 years, and did CPR on a 20 year old that wasn’t a traumatic arrest ONCE in that time.

    This isn’t normal.

    This kid on the football field was 24 yo. They are reporting him now at UC in a medically induced coma.

    This isn’t political to ME, but its political as HELL for the people who poisoned all the NFL players, and are hellbent on poisoning ALL the children WHO AREN’T EVEN AT RISK

    Prayer is good, but it isn’t enough.

    This needs to STOP.

    And it won’t if they WON’T EVEN ADMIT THERE’S A PROBLEM.

    I also don’t like going to funerals, but I’m too pissed to get into that now.

  10. Look up Chuck Hughes of the Detroit Lions in 1971. I tried to post a link below, but it got ate up by the link monster…..There’s one in the bullpen, if it works.;…Chuck Hughes was the only guy to die on the field in the NFL ever…..maybe not now….

  11. Steve Kirsch, in communication with Dr. Peter McCullough, reports:

    According to Dr. Peter McCullough, the injury that Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin sustained is known as commotio cordis (a phenomenon in which a sudden blunt impact to the chest causes sudden death in the absence of cardiac damage).

    The time delay from the hit until he collapsed is expected in commotio cordis.

    Peter believes that the ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation could have been set up by the vaccine if he took it.

    Hamlin was shocked back to rhythm. He now has anoxic encephalopathy. He’s in critical condition at the hospital.

    Hamlin’s in a very bad way and could use some prayers.

    NB: For anyone not familiar with Mccullough, he is a very well known cardiologist, author of many peer reviewed papers, and was very well respected by his fellow MDs until he became very vocal about the dangers of the mRNA shots and subsequent reporting about the cardiovascular injuries he and colleagues were seeing subsequent to the covid injections.

  12. Uncle Al
    JANUARY 2, 2023 AT 11:31 PM

    “He now has anoxic encephalopathy.”

    …my FIL had this, subsequent to being down too long after an unwitnessed arrest caused by cardiomyopathy.

    They parted him out the next day, after multiple EEGs and my wife having to watch hus deceribated body twitch overnight.

    Please do pray for him.

    I’m too pissed to petition the Lord myself just now.

    FWIW, I worked HS football games on the ambulance too, when there was less padding than there is now, and certainly not pro level padding.

    Never saw a kid need CPR after a hit.

  13. Local news says he has a pulse but cannot breath on his own hence a ventilator and is in critical. If the jab played a role will the hospital/doctors be allowed to tell the truth? When he went down the way he di I thought he was dead. The hit did not appear that hard. Prayers for strength and healing for the young man and his family.

  14. SNS, my husband who not only played football, but was also an EMT for several years and worked HS football games said the same thing.

    I expect this won’t be the last one we see in the NFL as 90% are jabbed. From everything I can find there were just a handful on the Bills team that weren’t jabbed, the rest didn’t want all the regulations the non-jabbed had.
    The same as all these people in their 20’s and 30’s are just suddenly dying for no apparent reason.

  15. Eugenia, the majority of medical examiners are not telling the truth, some have admitted they are not allowed to. Doctors and hospitals profited greatly off of covid and killed many people and then have pushed these death jabs to not only patients, but told staff you either get them or you don’t work here. So I think that is your answer.

  16. Uncle Al
    JANUARY 2, 2023 AT 11:31 PM

    “The time delay from the hit until he collapsed is expected in commotio cordis.”

    …dunno, I never actually SAW the moment of impact with these so I can’t gainsay the good doc, but given the mechanism of injury (trauma sufficient and timely enough to disrupt normal sinus) it seems unlikely.

    Also, the ones I saw, which were admittedly MUCH more severe trauma usually involving pre-airbag steering wheels had some tells about them that make it seem like it was pretty darn instantaneous.

    Case in point, there was this gal who was running down a 40 mph street at what the surprised cops said was topping 80, but she conveniently swerved into a huge cinderblock shopping mall sign before they could set up a pursuit, which was even MORE conveniently right across from the main fire house, so we got there pretty durn fast.

    This was a non-airbag car and a few things happened. Her chest hit the steering wheel even as lhe dash pushed to the rear and she submarined knees first into it. This broke both her femurs at the hip sockets and rammed them out her ass hard enough to pin her to the seat with her own jagged long bones. For all this there was very little bleeding, the reason being that the chest strike stopped her heat, apparently instantaneously, so she oozed rather than bled despite absolutely catastrophic injuries.

    Seems to me that if there was any kind of delayed reaction we would have had a MUCH bigger mess, nearing the Overlook Hotel elevator scene to go by the torn femorals…

  17. COMMOTIO CORDIS, he took a shot to the HEART DIRECTLY from the shoulder of the other player. No Intent. I watched it in real time & the replay.

    Happens all the time: Hockey, Football, Lacross, Martial Arts, Baseball.

    Wikipedia it. READ IT.

    Happens mostly to males. average age is 15. 1 in 5 survival rate.
    The guy’s heart stopped, adrenaline kept him going for a couple seconds, he got up, & then he passed out.

    In martial Arts Legend “The Touch of Death” – Kill Bill part 2.
    You take the punch, heart stops, you go a few steps & keel over.

    PS, I know life is not a movie.

  18. @ Kcir…..It could be, but there haven’t been thousands of deaths every year over all of the years in all sports infinitum…..A guy, last named Chetter buried himself into my chest in high school lacrosse…..I didn’t die, thought I might, but I remember his name to this day…..

  19. I know this in unpopular, but I doubt this is VAX related like all the soccer players. It was all Shoulder directly above the Heart area from the 218lb receiver running into 200lb Hamlin who was initiating the tackle.

    IT WAS BAD & looked bad. The NFL did not show the replay once they realized what was happening. Watch it on Y-tube.

  20. Willy,

    read the wiki.
    it is a very specific time, point of impact, & VERY RARE.


    I do believe the Vax is a killer for many people, esp if you continue taking them, or are a young male.

  21. Can’t help but notice how many of the players have their hands cupped over their mouth and nose as an expression of shock. That is so common in younger males today and you see it everywhere. It is such a feminine thing to do. It’s like the flapping of hands when excited and screaming OMG,OMG or staring with your eyes bugged out while your mouth is wide open. You never used to see that in males. The feminization of younger men is so evident. It sickens me.

  22. The federal government has now set up outposts around the hospital where Damar Hamlin is being treated. What could possibly be a reason for that? 🤔

    P.S. That tackle was nothing out of the ordinary.

  23. Rinse Repeat,

    30 cases average per year in the US.
    2.5 per month.
    Youth Baseball = 61%
    Softballs = 16%
    Hockey Pucks = 12%
    Hockey Stick = But End = 1%

    University of Connecticut: Korey Stringer Institute, current web page

  24. Jerry Manderin
    JANUARY 3, 2023 AT 9:42 AM

    …uc hospital is a general hospital so it gets ALL the wonderfullness that Democrats created. It is also a Level 1 Trauma center, so GSWs go there quite a bit and, beleve me, some bangers don’t mind continuing the discussion at the hospital.

    And I’m sure its getting more than its fair share of lookylous drawn to the tragedy and fame that local broadcasting WILL NOT SHUT UP ABOUT, and each report names the hospital, so there’s that. Not sure how exciting folks think an unconcious kid on a ventilator is even if they COULD get in, but people are weird that way with Newsmakers.

    That said, UC has its OWN police force AND the City police force on the surrounding Pill Hill, so there’s really no need for, or even apparent legal jurisdiction of, the Federal F’in Government to get all up in our biz.

    Whatever it is, its to further a lie and not to help anyone.

    With THIS illegitimate “government”, you can be sure of THAT.

  25. Dr. Hambone
    JANUARY 3, 2023 AT 2:57 AM

    “You never used to see that in males. The feminization of younger men is so evident. It sickens me.”

    …remember that these “ruff, tuff, manly menses” recently had a shit fit at the very IDEA of unmasked heathens breathing li’l bugs at them FROM THE STANDS, so whatever ELSE they are, brave and stoic they are NOT.

  26. A hit to the chest, the right one can stop someone’s heart. Underlying heart condition. But this won’t support the conspiracy theory. Yet Trump aka Mr Fast Track still fully supports the vaccines & their boosters & get them himself. Millions & millions of people got the jab & all the boosters with ABSOLUTELY no problems!

  27. What I find very ironic is when everyone was dying of covid they made a big deal when two people in our county died of covid. Everyone was trying to figure out who they were as nobody recognized their names. It finally came out that one of them hadn’t lived in the state in years, was an elderly woman(96) who lived with her daughter in another state. The other wasn’t a resident of our county until she was placed in the nursing home with last stage alzheimers, she also had her leg removed due to diabetes about 10 years before being put in nursing home. When it came out the local newspaper and Tulsa newspaper went quiet except to still list 2 deaths in our county on their state death list.
    Then there was the grandpa who died of covid and his grandson who he had raised actually had to go to court to get his cause of death listed as what it was brain cancer. He was sent home on hospice, given days to weeks live. He never had covid, was never even tested for covid.

    Fast forward to now when all of these teens to those in their 30’s are just falling over dead and they write it up as just death notices, not one newspaper mentioning anything about their vaxxed status. They are known by many and the majority posted their selfies getting all of their shots.

    Even if I weren’t a so called conspiracy theorist who never researched any of the crap, I would be questioning why the media was pushing covid deaths so hard, even to count people as deaths who didn’t even live here, but did one time, yet now when all of these young fit people are dying, mainly male for the last few months, it’s no big deal.
    You would have to be blind, deaf, mute and living in a cave to not see it.
    Even if I had been dumb enough to put it in my body, I’d be wanting to get to the bottom of it for one because I’d be pissed they did this to me and for two because I’d want some hope that if they admitted it they’d try to come up with a cure for the death jab.


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