So Much For Assimilation! Somali Running For Congress Campaigns in Arabic – IOTW Report

So Much For Assimilation! Somali Running For Congress Campaigns in Arabic

MICHELLE ❤KAG 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸‏ @Winning45KAGFollowFollow @Winning45KAGMore


OMG this one TAKES THE CAKE! Mohamud Jama is a Somali Refugee who’s running for state Rep in Columbus, OH. Apparently, he doesn’t feel it’s necessary to speak in English because 60K of his constituents are Somalis. SO MUCH FOR ASSIMILATION!

ht/ hot salsa

21 Comments on So Much For Assimilation! Somali Running For Congress Campaigns in Arabic

  1. …Too late for “No Muslims” @Tsumami, we already had one as president…

    …speaking of which, it really wasn’t any different with “Obama” than it is with THIS guy, NEITHER of them were talking to ME, and that was on PURPOSE…

  2. Sharia courts in the United States will soon be very common in these Jihadi enclaves represented by terrorist operatives “elected” to office. Slippery slope, people. Thank God for the Second Amendment.

  3. The American mid-west aint what it used to be. And moving farther away.
    If Columbus elects this guy, who no doubt will try to speed up the move in the wrong direction, they’ll deserve the negative consequences.

  4. Okay, time to invade- I mean MOVE to a backwards 3rd world Muslim country and vote Christians in who only speak english.
    Fix their court system. Stop the acceptance of child rape and wife stonings… really spruce the nation up.

    …it can be like a country exchange program or something.
    (What’s fair is fair)

  5. Thank Republicans for this. They wanted to legally give food processing plants Somali refugees for their business donors.

    Will 60,000 do for your small town of 30,000 people? Fast track them to citizenship and voila.

  6. 19 years ago we elected a President who campaigned in Mexican!

    Not Spanish. I have many friends from: Cuba, Guatemala, Venezuela,,,, the last 40 years they have told me I do not speak Spanish I SPEAK MEXICAN ,. some eg: caro, hamburgesa.

    Both Bush boys talk Mexican.

    BTW my native tonge is American. Spend time in Scotland or England and your friends will tell you you dont speak English; you speak American..Or at least Ive been so told. In Scotland it was rather forceful.

  7. First book I read about islam, after 9-11, to try to understand,was by a woman who spoke the language, going to work at a place like CAIR and being shocked that the English and the Arabic pamphlets were not the same. Then I read it about mosques. Now…do we think this is going to be that way, too? No doubt.


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