“State of public calamity”: Rio needs money for Olympic games – IOTW Report

“State of public calamity”: Rio needs money for Olympic games

The decree authorizes the state to “adopt all necessary emergency measures to ration essential public services in order for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games to take place.”

IndiaTimes: In what could come as a major jolt to the safe conduct of the 2016 Olympic Games, the state of Rio de Janeiro has declared a financial emergency. The state authorities announced a “state of public calamity” on Friday over a major budget crisis, in order to release emergency funds to finance the Olympic Games due to begin in August.  MORE


22 Comments on “State of public calamity”: Rio needs money for Olympic games

  1. I friend spent $50k on tickets, has gone to the last 10 summer Olympics spending a month there each time. He says it’s the greatest experience. He is very savvy, has been in the political landscape more than 4 decades. Based on that I’m confident the Olympics will happen. But I fully expect there to be some very scary things happening there. He is being very careful to be in the safe areas – the question is whether there are some reasonably safe areas or none.

  2. I feel as if I should help out. They can have all my pocket change. Oops. Like Mr Moneybags in the graphic – because of 0bama – I no longer even have pocket change.

  3. I really hope the Olympics die and never come back. They are nothing more than a ripoff to taxpayers of the host country. They don’t promote good will. They just remind people how popular cheating and conning the public is. Fuck the Olympics. Let them die and never come back.

  4. I’ve been to 2 Olympics, they are a fantastically fun time…but seriously, there really should be a few venues which are used on a regular basis instead of this whole “bankrupt” the country of the day while watching their venues rot into nothingness. Vancouver at the Winter Olympics made money, let’s pick a summer venue or two and let it be about athletics, not graft to the IOC.

  5. I will not be at all surprised if there is a structure collapse at one of the venues. Parts of at least one stadium under construction collapsed last year. That doesn’t inspire confidence.
    Air and water pollution, zika virus and antibiotic resistant bacteria in the water venues—I don’t even want anyone who attended to visit for a couple months

  6. Bah!
    The Olympics are beyond boring.
    If they had Lion wrestling, or games where Bears were involved, I would watch it.
    And they should compete naked. Especially the ladies ice skating.
    They all look like a Power Rangers casting call right now, and that is not very Olympic to my jaundiced eye.

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