Stefan Molyneux On the Untruth About Donald Trump – IOTW Report

Stefan Molyneux On the Untruth About Donald Trump

If you are a Trump supporter, and are concerned when confronted with someone telling you that you are a moron, and an “agrarian, populist butthole” (Mark Levin), this video is well worth the watch.



31 Comments on Stefan Molyneux On the Untruth About Donald Trump

  1. Sorry.
    I don’t want to spend an hour being bored by a rehash of what I have already read and heard by a guy that thinks it makes him a genius.
    Yes, he has his detractors. I am one of them (I will vote for him if he is the nominee), every candidate has them.
    His base likes to hear about how tough it is for the poor guy to get a fair shake, Hillary is doing that, oops she has special standing.
    Want to win friends and influence people?
    Convince us that he is not Bernie except for the open borders crap.
    Trump is for socialized health care, thinks eminent domain should be used for people like him to confiscate property, only recently came to the position that self protection was also a right of the unwashed masses. That just scratches the surface. Don’t get into his positions on taxes and H1B issues.

  2. This is the position statement from Trump’s campaign website regarding H1B visas.

    Increase prevailing wage for H-1Bs. We graduate two times more Americans with STEM degrees each year than find STEM jobs, yet as much as two-thirds of entry-level hiring for IT jobs is accomplished through the H-1B program. More than half of H-1B visas are issued for the program’s lowest allowable wage level, and more than eighty percent for its bottom two. Raising the prevailing wage paid to H-1Bs will force companies to give these coveted entry-level jobs to the existing domestic pool of unemployed native and immigrant workers in the U.S., instead of flying in cheaper workers from overseas. This will improve the number of black, Hispanic and female workers in Silicon Valley who have been passed over in favor of the H-1B program. Mark Zuckerberg’s personal Senator, Marco Rubio, has a bill to triple H-1Bs that would decimate women and minorities.

    Requirement to hire American workers first. Too many visas, like the H-1B, have no such requirement. In the year 2015, with 92 million Americans outside the workforce and incomes collapsing, we need companies to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed. Petitions for workers should be mailed to the unemployment office, not USCIS.

    End welfare abuse. Applicants for entry to the United States should be required to certify that they can pay for their own housing, healthcare and other needs before coming to the U.S.

    Jobs program for inner city youth. The J-1 visa jobs program for foreign youth will be terminated and replaced with a resume bank for inner city youth provided to all corporate subscribers to the J-1 visa program.

  3. Thank you for clarifying that that he does not want to reduce H1b visas, and does not want them to stop taking skilled jobs away from US workers.
    Also, I was not aware that there was an issue of H1B people competing with illegals in the minimum wage sector. I have never encountered one at a fast food place or cutting lawns.
    I am cognizant of the impact illegals have on youth employment. I honestly was not aware of the H1B being a significant part of that problem.
    On the other hand, wanting to raise the wages of H1B people is far different than restricting them as their wages are government subsidized as it is.

  4. Oh, come on, Mr. Hat. It was a throwaway comment in the heat of an argument. If Trump had said it, 99.9% of the people on this site would be applauding it.

    I am becoming more and more convinced that we are all being played. And for the record, none of it is making me want to support Trump. I’m just getting disgusted with the whole thing.

  5. Nice, some asshole with 1/10 the I.Q. Of Trump critiquing Donald Trump. And a damn limie to boot. Count me in with the rest of the losers. I’m voting Trump because Fuck You.

  6. You don’t think the Preparation H salesman’s position on the border is ‘crap’?
    I will concede that the bern may deserve a less polite description, but isn’t is a family friendly site?

  7. Gee, with every revelation Trump sounds more and more conservative; NOT!!

    Seems Trump loves Executive Actions as much as Obama, but don’t you Trump supporters worry your heads none, he promises they will he will “use them much better” than nasty old Obama;

    During an interview with NBC News, Trump was asked if he would use executive actions in a similar fashion to the way President Barack Obama has.

    “I won’t refuse it. I’m going to do a lot of things. He led the way,” Trump said. He added, “But I’m going to use them much better and they’re going to serve a much better purpose than he’s done.”

    In a separate interview with CBS News, Trump said of executive action, “Well, I will say this: There’s a lot of precedent based on what he’s doing.”
    {end quote}


    I seriously believe that this “F-You” vote for Trump is going to do serious harm and leave a lot of people disappointed. This Trump thing is starting to have the feeling of the 2012 phenomenon where people just declared they wouldn’t vote and would just let Obama win so everyone would see just how bad it would get.

    Faced with a mountain of facts, history, and personal interviews showing Trump to not be what is dreamed of currently folks are just satisfying themselves with the idea that voting for Trump somehow sticks it to the GOP establishment. I sure hope it’s worth it.

  8. Woody. I’m curious what you do for a living. Because you clearly have not been slapped in the God Damn face like a bunch of us. And really, that’s what it boils down to. Fuck the GOP, I’m voting Trump.

  9. Did anyone here actually watch the video? The guy’s on target, funny, and not against Trump. I had no intention of watching more than 10 minutes. I couldn’t stop watching even though I’ve watched at least 95% of what this man spoke about, unfold in the media. I’ve forwarded it.

  10. riverlife_callie, OK that’s two in a row that get their money no matter what. Mean while there’s a bunch of us busting out asses out here trying to meet a house payment that 10 years ago was cake and now it’s kicking our ass. If your truly a conservative, temper your situation with ours. It ain’t that black and white. Go Trump.

  11. Brad – WTF are you talking about? You don’t know anything about me or where I get my money. What makes you think I haven’t worked my ass off all my life? Why do you find it necessary to insult people who don’t agree with you?

  12. Plain Jane — I know the term egomaniac has been assumed apt to Donald Trump. Jindal made a splash in the press by calling him a narcissist and an egomaniac. Others have called him “dangerous”.

    But then I look at who is making these charges. They are either media people who have propped up a really dangerous man, obama, and his people. Or it is an opponent in the race. I don’t get how anyone can believe either faction’s assessment of a man who clearly poses a threat to them. That just doesn’t make sense.

    When obama was running (both times) he had such cheerleading from the media it was very hard to find anyone in the media who either wasn’t completely driven to have him reelected or was so “fair and balanced” (I’m looking at you, FNC), they never posed a real threat to his candidacy.

    Conversely, it’s hard to find anyone in the media, whether cable or online, who champions Trump. And anyone who does is discredited in the extreme.

    We all know the media has been complicit in furthering their crony aims — “in the tank” — of Wall Street and the CiC. Why are we believing their opinion of Trump, who is taking money from no one? And we all know beltway insiders will do anything to maintain the one-party rule of this country. Why do we believe their opinions about Trump, who is the only real outsider?

    Egomania is a debilitating psychosis in its extreme. A psychosis in any event. To be honest, I see a man who has a very stable family life — from his childhood forward. People like to point to his multiple marriages and charge him with all kinds of terrible characteristics, but both his former wives say just the opposite about him, are friends with him and tell those who ask, he’ll make a terrific president. And all of his wives were/are successful, intelligent women who weren’t gold diggers. Maybe the most appealing thing about him so far as insight to his feelings toward women is his testimony about his mother. He can’t say enough good about her. And he expresses great devotion to the the memory of his dad, too.

    I don’t see an egomaniac. I see a happy man who is at times more surprised than anyone at his own success. Now he wants to use his talents for his country. Some people want to project their own base emotions onto his motives. Trump has nothing to gain and literally everything to lose in his efforts.

  13. Despite using their broadest brush, the media just cannot get their cheap yellow paint to stick to Teflon Don.

    Don’t know about y’all but I thank Algore everyday for inventing the internet. Hoisted by his own petard, it’s killing his globull warming hoax.

  14. I also had no intention of watching the entire thing but was caught up in seeing all of the contemptuous media slanders laid out at once.

    Say what you will about Trump, the guy doesn’t take shit off of anyone. You can bet your ass you will never see him scratching his face with his middle finger like the pencil necked POS president we have now.

  15. BB, he’s actually quite smart and has a LONG string of videos to prove it.

    This vid is a persuasive list of DEBUNKING false claims about Trump (and why I’d put it in the bullpen a few days ago), so many that it takes an hour to get through them.

    Glad it’s getting the visibility it deserves.

  16. I am in IT, so I have been hit very hard by the whole H1B Visa idiocy. Watching contracts and jobs going to companies from overseas that put 10 guys from their home country in an 1 bedroom apartment here and pay them maybe $20-$25 per hour while their company set the price to the client such to undercut any U.S. based company or individual. Hey we have a deal for you, we can give you 2 guys for the price of one American worker. Of course they fail to mention these guys are inexperienced and in most, if not all, cases have to learn what they can on the job and hope they can at least satisfy the bare minimums of the contract.

    Add to that the fact that I live in Kentucky, home of the biggest GOPe male member; Mitch McConnell. I worked last election to help Bevin unseat him thanks to the damage McConnell had previously done, but good ole’ boy Kentucky politics what it is, McConnell won because he greases the wheels in this State.

    So I should be very interested in saying F-You to the GOPe, but I watched what they kind of attitude has gotten us in the past when we threw caution and research to the wind and just went with emotion to hopefully cause what we wanted to see. In the last two elections I was prepared to sit out and did when it was McCain, but I learned my lesson and voted for Romney in the last one hoping to stem the damage from Obama.

    I had been registered independent, but changed it last year so I could vote in the primary this year because I came to realize if I want a candidate I can vote for without at least having to hold my nose it required such action.

    Before it became so evident that the GOPe was working against us I was not very politically involved. As their actions on immigration, amnesty, and visas became ever more egregious I became ever more involved. So I believe there are a lot more politically involved people now thanks to the crap the GOPe has been doing to us. That is a very good thing. It can have impact as long as we work to elect folks who oppose the GOPe AND represent our beliefs and principles.

  17. It had me questioning the impression I have of Trump based on all the media distortion.

    I knew about a lot of them, we’ve been posting them as each has been blown into a contrived controversy.

    What so disconcerting is the consistent attempt to misinterpret what the man says in the hope that the public only sees the distortion and not the correction.

    Despicable deservers, there are so many Trump can’t possible sue them all for defamation, thought I’d like to see him brush them back from the plate by going after the worse culprits.

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