Stop the Presses! There’s a New Candidate For President That Just Might Be a Game Changer – IOTW Report

Stop the Presses! There’s a New Candidate For President That Just Might Be a Game Changer

He’s running as an Independent. Now we have to figure out which side he’s going to suck from. I think he’ll suck from both sides.


ht/ kwii

14 Comments on Stop the Presses! There’s a New Candidate For President That Just Might Be a Game Changer

  1. “His name used to be Joe Schreibvogel, but he recently got married and took his husband’s name.”
    So he doesn’t make noise when he farts. Let’s hear some policy issues. Hee Hee Hee

  2. Gimme a break, this freak has a mullet. Oh well, guys who have mullets generally are losers, Randy Johnson excepted, his mullet was intimidating. I didn’t know mullet heads were this freaky, stupid yes. Maybe he’ll get the redneck freak vote, however few of those that may exist.

  3. I found it interesting that while he was hobbling with a cane at his zoo, he was speaking like a normal man. But, when he was at the airport, his faggy fake voice kicked in. The reporter kept stressing his husband. Well, it was entertaining but that’;s about it.

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