Strzok Shown “Pulling Punches” In Hillary E-mail Investigation – IOTW Report

Strzok Shown “Pulling Punches” In Hillary E-mail Investigation

Senator Chuck Grassely (R-IA) shared a few of the newly found Peter Strzok – Lisa Page messages yesterday with particular emphasis on a February 25, 2016 exchanged where Page cautions Strzok.

It seems they were concerned that given Hillary was bound to be president, the FBI agent shouldn’t go too hard on the former secretary of state when he interviewed her as part of investigation into her private server.  More

5 Comments on Strzok Shown “Pulling Punches” In Hillary E-mail Investigation

  1. Well, damn, they aren’t as dumb as I thought they might be; they know where the dangers are. Hell has no fury like HRC! Danger! danger! Danger!

    Not afraid of being sleazy, adulterous, low-life, biased, FBI agents, but don’t cross HRC! Breaking or bending the law; OK. Crossing HRC; Dangerous.

  2. Now, if that does not add a little suspicion to all the friends, aquatints, business partners and donors to Bill and Hillary who have ended up dead I don’t know what will.

    Yes, the FBI guy could be talking about being reassigned to a newly created 1 man bureau office in Dutch Harbor Alaska. But then again probably not.

  3. Cork Soakers didn’t pull any punches on General Michael Flynn. I hope Flynn is exonerated soon. What a rotten shame to have the likes of Strzok and Page in positions of power and destroy a true American hero like Mike Flynn. It makes me want to vimit.

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