Study: U.S. Internet Speeds Skyrocket One Year After Net Neutrality Repeal – IOTW Report

Study: U.S. Internet Speeds Skyrocket One Year After Net Neutrality Repeal

Internet speed-test company Ookla released a study this week on American Internet speeds which found that broadband download speeds have increased by 35.8 percent, while upload speeds have increased by 22 percent compared to last year.  – More at Breitbart

4 Comments on Study: U.S. Internet Speeds Skyrocket One Year After Net Neutrality Repeal

  1. “U.S. Internet Speeds Skyrocket One Year After Net Neutrality Repeal”

    Are these idiots implying cause and effect? Are you shitting me? Fiber optic speeds have increased, due to engineering progress, far beyond what the dolts in marketing ever anticipated.

    Equating legislative action to real world network capability ain’t just stupid, it’s hilarious!

    Go guys!

  2. “Are these idiots implying cause and effect?”

    Hmm…speaking of “idiots”…going off on an assumption about what is meant, without actually reading the piece and finding out if the assumption is correct first. I’d say that qualifies.

    For the record, no, that’s not what they were implying. Feel free to follow the link and read the piece. Then you can come back and complain about what they actually said rather than what you imagine they might have.

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