Sweden: Somali Rapes 12 Year-Old, Gets Community Service – IOTW Report

Sweden: Somali Rapes 12 Year-Old, Gets Community Service

The message from Sweden? Yes, rape our women and children. We suppliantly give them to you, our new overlords, in gratitude for teaching us about diversity. 


6 Comments on Sweden: Somali Rapes 12 Year-Old, Gets Community Service

  1. Back before the turn of the last century (1895) H.G. Wells foresaw the Eloi evolving from the liberals of today. And the Morlocks living beneath the Earth, well it’s pretty easy to figure that one out…

  2. Pathetic. Just like the Greeks.
    Spartans, Athenians, all sorts of warriors. And now?
    Commie points a finger at the Greek government, and they giggle and wet their pants in response.

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