Swedish Policeman’s House Shot up by High-Caliber Weapons – IOTW Report

Swedish Policeman’s House Shot up by High-Caliber Weapons

GOV: Here’s the latest crime news from Modern Multicultural Sweden. Note that there is no speculation in this report about the ethnicity or immigration status of the perpetrator. So draw your own conclusions.

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for translating this article from B.T.:

Young man in custody for shooting at police residence in Västerås

A 20-year-old man is in custody on suspicion for the shooting at a police officer’s residence in Västerås.

At least 12 shots pierced the front door of the home where a policeman and his family were sleeping.

Prosecutor Anne Sjöblom decided to arrest that man at 8:43pm after a hearing in the evening. The man is arrested as reasonably suspected, the lower level of suspicion, for attempted murder, declare the police to TT [Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå, Swedish national wire service].

According to the police, a second person held for interrogation earlier in the day has been released, but not dropped from the investigation.

Two adults and two children were in the shot-up house and lay asleep during the shooting. The shots were so powerful that they passed through the house, and at least one of the shots hit the property behind, a police source said. This means that other persons were also put at risk. In the door alone could be counted at least twelve bullet holes.  MORE

10 Comments on Swedish Policeman’s House Shot up by High-Caliber Weapons

  1. Just wait, tomorrow the victim will be portrayed as the perp. Like what happens all over once the muzzies get a foothold in a community. Twin Falls, Idaho is an example here. The little girl that was raped by teenage muslims and their life has been a horror story since. Now in Twin Falls this takes place: http://komonews.com/news/local/cross-with-bacon-pig-feet-discovered-at-idaho-islamic-center, and the authorities are going to after these guys as if they they are a Lynch mob. There is trouble in River City.

  2. This kind of stupid shit doesn’t happen in Levelland, Tx. Yet. When it does, it won’t last long. Maybe UNICEF should start a testosterone program for some of the Nordic countries.

  3. Uff Da on the Swedes. Lutefisk has rotted their brains. Super high taxes funding cradle to grave socialism, muslims flocking in destroying any culture, if the Swedes had any culture. Norway once bragged, they had the world’s largest zoo. They built a fence around Sweden.

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