Syria Assumes Chair to Conference on Disarmament – IOTW Report

Syria Assumes Chair to Conference on Disarmament

The nation known for gassing its own people, Syria will chair the UN sponsored Conference on Disarmament for the next month. In existence for nearly 40 years, the 65 member permanent conference has in the past been a forum for drafting multilateral agreements on such weapons of mass destruction as nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. More

The chair is rotated every month with Switzerland handing the chair of the conference over to Syria today, despite efforts by the United States to pressure the atrocity committing nation not assume the seat. According to the Syrian Arab News Agency, “Syria will maintain professionalism and responsibility when carrying out its duties and will work to defend the priorities and principles that it upholds, foremost among them is respect for the principles of international law, the UN Charter and the rules and principles of the Conference on Disarmament.” More

9 Comments on Syria Assumes Chair to Conference on Disarmament

  1. Yet at this same time in America a cabal of conspirators that tried to elect Hillary president & also prevent Donald Trump from being elected president failed, then later in an effort to destroy him & force him from office one of the cabal members assigned another member to investigate & prove Trump & his campaign hooked up with Vlad Putin to elect Trump , (the same bunch that reminded us there is nothing to see in the hundreds of millions of $ Hillary got from Vlad for the Uranium One deal & other services) . Maybe it’s just me, but that makes as much sense as putting Syria at the head of this UN group. Who’s next, an Imam or the Short-fat-round rocket enthusiast kid from NK?


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