Teen Vogue Writer Tells Billy Graham To “Have Fun in Hell, B!tch” – IOTW Report

Teen Vogue Writer Tells Billy Graham To “Have Fun in Hell, B!tch”

Leftist dunce, Lauren Duca, a writer for Teen Vogue, who’s been made an idiot of on Tucker Carlson, tweeted that Billy Graham should “have fun in hell, bitch.”

The RalphRetort-

She was the one who got Martin Shkrelikicked off Twitter because he trolled her about going out on a date with him. She also has a great antipathy towards males of the Caucasian persuasion. But today, she really topped herself with some tweets about the late, great Billy Graham.


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39 Comments on Teen Vogue Writer Tells Billy Graham To “Have Fun in Hell, B!tch”

  1. I love Tucker Carlson. Could never do what he does. She’s an idjit and nucking futs. No counsel ever in her life from Billy Graham. Would have done her good. Glad I was brought up with the Presbyterians. Don’t practice now, but I think I should.

  2. Just another example of the whirling dervish of pus that is the left. Enjoy YOUR hell on earth, b!tch, where there is no love, no respect, no kindness…but plenty of the butt secks, as spelled out in your useless magazine.

  3. Consider the source. She’s a giant sand-filled crunt. I wouldn’t expect any different.
    She doesn’t have to answer us for her evil, but she will answer God. She’ll figure it out. It’ll be too late, but she will figure it out. lol

  4. I’ve always found it strange that these fashion mags try to act like they’re feminists and all that bullshit. They’re the cause of women and girls starving themselves to look like popsicle sticks. They’re the reason women buy ridiculously priced cosmetics, clothing, get their eyebrows ripped off and tattoo’d back on, etc. They’re the reason women get ass and boob implants. They’re the reason diet pills and weight plans are shoved in women’s and young girl’s faces.

    And then they say it’s all because of MEN? MEN force women to do these things? These women are absolutely a problem of their own making. What a joke these people are.

  5. Shocking yet not surprising. It is another display of the lack of humanity of the leftists. I just don’t see how anyone cannot agree all of their positions are anti-human – abortion, welfare that degrades and destabilizes families, attempts at censorship, promotion of unnatural sex, all of which immediately, directly lead to death, disease, and unrest in society. EVERYTHING they do or say is wrong, evil, and against God and man. The sooner everyone understands the quicker we can stop it.

  6. She is well on her way to victim hood. The shit storm that will befall her is going to be epic. Some people have universal respect and admiration, and Rev Graham was one of those people. I Imagine Teen Vogue is being swamped with irate calls and e mails.

  7. Leviticus 19:15
    15 Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment: thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honor the person of the mighty: but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour.

    I see nor hear any righteousness in Lauren Duca or Teen Vogue.

  8. Different Tim February 21, 2018 at 3:52 pm

    Isn’t she gonna be surprised when she gets there!

    What makes you think she’s going to be there? Liberals will be asked a lot of questions before entering those pearly gates.

  9. I tell libs that say I’m nuts to believe, If I spend my existence believing in an afterlife, God and Jesus, and it turns out there is none, well that not going to make any difference to me when I die. But, if it turns out there is an afterlife, God and Jesus, I wouldn’t want to answer to Saint Peter why I never believed.

  10. In summary, the demon worldly rattlesnakes are hissing as the angel Billy Graham who exposed their evil deeds, goes on to heaven. That’s all it is. Lauren Duca, Joy Behar etc., just pray (if you know how to do that), that you’ll be very welcome in hell.

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