That time when Northam left his black running mate off the 2017 campaign flyers – IOTW Report

That time when Northam left his black running mate off the 2017 campaign flyers

Northam campaign used racist ‘separate but equal’ campaign flyer omitting his black running mate – to cater to white racists?

13 Comments on That time when Northam left his black running mate off the 2017 campaign flyers

  1. He only did for that for northern virginia, where the “democratic friendly Laborers’ International Union of North America” asked him to do so. They were opposed to fairfax because he is opposed to 2 trans-state pipelines and other energy projects. He wanted the black vote in the rest of the state, so they got the complete flyer. northam is not my cup of tea, either, but he shouldn’t have ‘hidden’ fairfax’s candidacy. This just shows him, again, yielding to special interests who contributed to his campaign.

  2. His infanticide statements were so terrible he needed a racism scandal as a distraction.

    I don’t care about ginned-up racism outrage nearly so much as I care about people cold-bloodedly murdering babies.


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