The Great Vegan/Butthole War of 2017 – IOTW Report

The Great Vegan/Butthole War of 2017

Via Wonkette (Why oh why am I acknowledging the existence of Wonkette??? I guess it’s because reading about the left eating themselves on a lefty blog, it makes it more palatable.)

This is a review left about a family run vegan restaurant.


The restaurant responded with a sort of threat of soft doxxing.

Wonkette says The commenters’ rebuttals could be summed up as, “No actually the menu does not say DINING ROOM FULL OF TODDLER BUTTHOLES, but nice try though!”

Later, we find out the kid is potty trainING.

Not potty trained.

ht/ tip #4558


I guess it’s time for everyone to drop in the comments their worst restaurant experience.

I ate rat sh*t in a restaurant once.

There’s that.

25 Comments on The Great Vegan/Butthole War of 2017

  1. Wife opened up a club sandwich to find a rotten mildewed tomato. Promptly threw up on the table.

    When we showed the restaurant manager he offered a free meal a week for a year to us – we still haven’t gone back to that restaurant. But we didn’t write a review – they just had an uncaring employee who didn’t check the food.

  2. i would think the health department would be interested in unclad, potty training toddlers flashing their bums all over the tables while customers were eating. imagine what the little darlings are doing in the kitchen. call the health department- all this could shut them down.

  3. My worst dining experience wad the roach pizza I had in New Orleans. I didn’t order roaches on my pizza. Second worst was when I was eight or nine and bit into sometging nasty on my burger at Burger Chef. I spit it out, and it looked like a cooked garden slug. I didn’t like Burger Chef after that.

  4. You should see the local news coverage of this! The reporter read the customer’s review to include “butthole” in a very serious voice–which just made it funnier. Then they talk to the restaurant owner, who looks just the way you think she does and the side benefit is her husband standing there holding the offending toddler (at least she had a diaper on). He was mute through his wife’s entire rant. Bottoms up everyone!

  5. Yelp is shutting down the comments because of the negative reviews. I noticed in the pictures of the place, they have the obligatory “Black Lives Matter” sign on the wall. I seriously hope the reviewer call the Health Department on these buttholes.

  6. Yelp shut down comments! LOOOL more butthurt liberals! Personally I wouldn’t care about a toddler (clothed) running around in a restaurant like that (casual), but the health violations, ugh. And she may not care if she loses business, but she obviously also doesn’t give a damn about other people who–whether she gets their repeat business or not–made the time and effort to patronize her establishment. Treating them with some respect for that alone is called for, but she is too self centered to think about that.

  7. How about the other reviewer who watched one of the veganettes kids take a dump on the floor?

    Health dept should be on that place like flies on shit. Pun intended.

  8. Hippies are dirty and they smell. That being said, I want to know what is going on in those hippies’ house. Why would a toddler bend over and display her butthole to a room full of people like that? Does that restaurant sell “pizza”?

  9. Next to my “Posted” sign that is bilingual, I am planning a No Commies, a No NAZIs and a No Islam symbol in steel, maybe inox.

    Five feet inside the wire will be an AR500 or T1 steel gong in case the signage needs an audible reinforcement.

    THAT is how I virtue signal.

  10. Vega? My parents had one in ’77.

    Vegan? That’s a person ran over by a Vega.

    The daughter and I destroyed about ten pieces of Popeyes yesterday at
    lunch. Yes, Guam is not Loooiziana, but it’s still good chicken.

  11. Billypaintbrush, I was in Memphis once too.
    Got off the highway, looked around, felt like a snowball in a coal bin, got back on the freeway, and continued up the road.

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