The Modern-Day Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou – IOTW Report

The Modern-Day Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou

Patriot Retort:

Tomorrow is the coronation of the modern-day Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou.

So buckle up, everybody.

Henry VI was the brain-scrambled, barely-there dullard son of Henry V.

Unlike his father — the great victor of the Battle of Agincourt — Henry VI was a weak king who in 1453, upon learning of England’s defeat at the hands of France, came completely unglued and was stuck in a catatonic state for more than a year.

He famously known as the king “who lost his wits.”

And who stepped into the breach to rule England in his stead?

His French wife Margaret of Anjou. more

39 Comments on The Modern-Day Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou

  1. I’m gonna make a prediction: Joe gets whacked in a false-flag operation before the end of his term. As soon as his usefulness comes to an end (about the time Cameltoe can finish out his term and still legally run for two more on her own), Joe gets sacrificed “for the greater good” by those who are actually in control. Think of how much play the Left would get out of that, and what they’d do (or at least, try to do) with that kind of momentum. They just got away with stealing the Presidency — what’s a little assassination compared to that, especially if they get to craft the narrative and the response?

  2. I’ll just drop this in here:

    “CNN hack David Chalian worshipped 78-year-old senile Joe Biden Tuesday night and said the lights on the National Mall’s reflecting pool are like “extensions of Joe Biden’s arms embracing America.”

  3. Read the late Sylvia Browne’s prediction for this decade (2020-2029) if you can find it in one of her books. The 2020 Election forecast has her handful of fans hopeful.

    She was wrong a lot of the time, but you know what they say about a blind squirrel…

    Sorry, I donated the book several years ago to a Thrift Shop and don’t remember the title.

  4. This being Edgar Allen Poe’s birthday, let’s visit the final paragraph of
    The Masque of the Red Death

    And now was acknowledged the presence of the Red Death.
    He had come like a thief in the night.
    And one by one dropped the revelers in the blood bedewed halls of their revel, and died each in the despairing posture of his fall.
    And the life of the ebony clock with out with that of the last of the gay.
    And the flames of the tripods expired.
    And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all.

  5. Benito the Bombed Beaner JANUARY 19, 2021 AT 10:46 PM


    Benito, the “economy” will not go into a tailspin. Even though the saintly dems “hate” wall street, for some reason, almost all wall street donations go to the dems.

    There are dues to be paid. The “economy is going to grow fast and for a long time, and money is going to be made. The problem is that the money is not going to be worth anything. At that point, wall street can sell short, let the ‘economy” go into it’s tailspin cash in and screw all the working people yet again.

  6. Dementia Joe is not a half wit, he’s a quarter wit. Did you catch sight of him crying during his last speech in Delaware? His son, Beau, was supposed to be President according to Poor Joey. Humper must be looking for his crack pipe right about now, because nothing sends him off a cliff like being reminded that he’s the worthless son. This is going to be one Hell of a spectacle. It’s the Full Catastrophe with a cast of idjits and cast offs from a Carnival freak show and Obammy’s third term. It’s going to be the “Poseidon Adventure” without the happy ending.

  7. Chalian was the kind of, uhh, uhh… personage who would get flustered and stomp around when the copier was hosed. Even after he was exempt from copier duty he was the kind of personage who demanded IT to change out his printer cartridges.

    I’d imagine he’d call the State Police if he ever had a flat tire.

  8. I’m watching TV and right now, Peacock TV is advertising their “We Are One Inauguration Event” with a Picture of Kamala Harris. Joe is nowhere to be found on the screen.

    Where are those lovin’ arm extensions, David Chalian? Are you sure those reflecting pool lights weren’t actually Kamala’s leg extensions? Maybe you should go ask your hUsBanD.

  9. J. Conners JANUARY 19, 2021 AT 11:30 PM

    I say 2 years , Gas will be $8 to $10 gal. Power and other utilities will double. That’s when the feds kill him.

    He’ll be dead before then, unless they use the RBG drugs on him. But why would the feds kill him for that? That is what they want. They want us all to be in dire straights so they can step in and “help” us all in our time of need.

  10. “Kamala Harris Reminded Americans She Supports Abortions Up to Birth With No Limits”

    “Harris had lots of camera time during the Democratic primary season and was such a disaster that she was at 3 percent in the polls when she dropped out”

    No way these clowns can be allowed in the White House.

  11. Well, Margaret was eventually run out of England and Henry died in imprisonment so this analogy doesn’t look too good for these two modern-day clowns.

    Edward IV, who succeeded him, was a promiscuous pig who was already married when he subsequently wed his nepotistic queen, Elizabeth Wydville, who in turn tried to keep Edward’s brother (Richard, Duke of Gloucester) from learning of his death so she could gain control and shut him out. He was having none of that, and eventually became King Richard III. He was a religious man who banned restrictions on the sale of books, ordered laws translated into English and protected land buyers from predatory sellers engaged in the practice of double dipping (plus much more).

    Unfortunately, he died too soon, at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485, and he too was maligned beyond belief. There are people to this day working to clear his name of the scurrilous charges promoted by the Tudors. On the one hand, it’s not encouraging to think 500 years from now some of the righteous of today will still be robbed of their good names. On the other hand, if there are people still fighting for the reputations of today’s patriots, that means it hasn’t been completely wiped out.

  12. Heat is correct the pedo will be offered in a false flag by a “average white MAGA” Joe which will provide the commies all the ammo they need to pass gun control and confiscate our weapons.

    Many horrific false flags with the intent of eliminating private gun ownership will occur, probably another Sandy Hook event.

    The commies know they cannot prevail no matter how much power they hold until we give up our guns. Many laws will be passed to withhold acesss to food, utilities, Healthcare, transportation, entertainment education, home ownership, private insurance, etc to force you to abandon your weapons in favor of life necessities.

    The other route will be mental health incarceration and court ordered seizure of guns and ammo from those who holdout.Your snitch ass commie neighbor or libertard family member will turn you in.

    Another route will be full national lawfare against gun owners using every single weaponized Federal agency. You will notbe enable to file taxes if you own a gun as an example.

    The corporations,Big Tech,and media will dox, cancel, and expunge you from society and a social credit score will force you to give up your weapons.

    A lot of the above is/has already occurred and will be amplified exponentially in the next 12 years. Prepare accordingly as the commies will use every tool available to take your guns and ammo.

  13. Just read on GP that Laura Loomer has been given a Federal ban on owning a gun. She has been banned from all Big Tech social media and now from gun ownership.

    This is coming for every patriot…

  14. America – RIP.

    The Republic is DEAD!
    Long Live the People’s Demonratic Banana Republic!
    All Hail the Usurper!
    All Hail the Tyrant!
    All Hail his Punk Consort!

    izlamo delenda est …

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