The New Vagina Manual – IOTW Report

The New Vagina Manual

“Sir, I serviced vaginas. I know vaginas. Vaginas are friends of mine. Sir, you don’t have a vagina.

24 Comments on The New Vagina Manual

  1. There was a time when pushing this SHIT onto the general public would have been cause for reprisal, obviously, these ASSWIPES feel it is time for such a push.

    FUCK these ASSWIPES, everyone of them.

  2. I’ve test driven several 60’s, 70’s and one 80’s model yet I could never get the carburation just right. no matter how I tweeked em.Eventually they all broke down and left me on the side of the road….Now they all seem to run oversized tires and rims….

  3. @jellybean November 19, 2022 at 8:02 pm

    > There was a time when pushing this SHIT onto the general public would have been cause for reprisal

    That’s what makes them princesses!

    In a filthy patriarchy, they’d be beaten (unto death), with bally bats.

    Since they are not. Each, and every, one, must be super, magical princesses!

    “Our” princesses (of all genders) need options!

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