The President Congratulates a Future Star of the Republican Party – It Doesn’t Fit the Left’s Narrative – IOTW Report

The President Congratulates a Future Star of the Republican Party – It Doesn’t Fit the Left’s Narrative

Who is John James?


James is Michigan’s first black GOP nominee for a major statewide office in more than three decades, but he says he wants to be judged based on his character.

James graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 2004, according to his campaign website bio, and became a Ranger-qualified aviation officer. He served in Operation Iraqi Freedom, where he earned a Combat Action Badge and two Air Medals while logging more than 700 hours leading two Apache platoons.


I guess the racist Trump is congratulating a low IQ dummy as the future star of the Republican party because racist Trump thinks all blacks are stupid. Just ask Don Lemon, he’ll tell you.

16 Comments on The President Congratulates a Future Star of the Republican Party – It Doesn’t Fit the Left’s Narrative

  1. Hoping John James wins!

    Here in CT Sen Chris Murphy is up for re-election. He’s awful. Hoping that we finally remove this plague in November. But won’t hold my breath–it’s CT after all.

  2. “James is Michigan’s first black GOP nominee for a major statewide office in more than three decades, but he says he wants to be judged based on his character.”

    Just saying that as a black Republican gets you the full regressive liberal wrath for being a traitor to his race. God speed and hoping for a great win and more lefitst angst!

  3. What it means is after today, his name will not be uttered by the Media/PR Firms. Ever. Like Mia Love, the first Black Republican Female congressman, from lily-white Utah, of all places. You haven’t heard her name since the night she was elected. It should be something to hold up as evidence of progress, as a victory for all that Leftists claim to stand for. Nope. Because it’s not what they stand for.

    As it regards John James and all black conservatives, I will say again:
    The Black Leftist position is “he forgot where he came from.”
    The White Leftist position is “he’s not authentically black.”

  4. Debbie Stabenow feels Climate Krishna in her Depends when she flies. She says she can “feel it” right thru her seat. That warmth is probably a signal that she needs to change her diaper.

  5. Yep, live in Michigan now and was more then happy to fill in the circle next to his name. So many are ready to dump stabenow and put a true conservative in the office. James beat Sandy Pensler, who has run multiple races and always lost, by almost 10 points. He will need help in the midterms as total democrats voters that turned out were greater than republicans.
    Thanks to those of you that donated or supported Mr. James. He was behind Pensler by 1 mil. for donations. Stabenow is sitting on a large war chest, over $6 mil at this time and James has less than $900K

    Be sure to let the NRSC (National Republican Senatorial Committee) and Senator Cory Gardner know that they need to give John James as much help as he needs. Democrats are banking on Stabinow as a sure seat and if they have to defend her and throw money her way it helps all R Senatorial candidates.

  6. I was so excited to be able to vote for Mr. James. I can’t wait to vote for him again in November!

    @Anniegirl, I donated to him, too. I felt so strongly that MI needed him, that for first time in my life, I donated to a political candidate.

  7. Yep, live in Michigan now and was more then happy to fill in the circle next to his name. So many are ready to dump stabenow and put a true conservative in the office. James beat Sandy Pensler, who has run multiple races and always lost, by almost 10 points. He will need help in the midterms as total democrats voters that turned out were greater than republicans.
    Thanks to those of you that donated or supported Mr. James. He was behind Pensler by 1 mil. for donations. Stabenow is sitting on a large war chest, over $6 mil at this time and James has less than $900K

    Be sure to let the NRSC (National Republican Senatorial Committee) and Senator Cory Gardner know that they need to give John James as much help as he needs. Democrats are banking on Stabinow as a sure seat and if they have to defend her and throw money her way it helps all R Senatorial candidates.

    Lets give President DJT a +60 senate majority


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