The Water Thief – IOTW Report

The Water Thief

Rep Bob Brady (PA-D) apparently thinks swiping the Pope’s water glass than swigging a few sips is some kind of blessing. He not only stole the water but then posted pictures of himself and family member imbibing.

U.S. Rep. Bob Brady sips from the glass used by the pope.

I’m unclear on the blessing to sin ratio here. Is stealing and drinking the Pope’s water enough to offset the sin of being a partial birth abortion advocate in Congress?


To his credit, he did declare his intention to send a check to Capital Hill to pay for the glass he stole. So maybe he won’t go to hell for that act, anyway.

22 Comments on The Water Thief

  1. It’s not gonna help. I’m sure in the fullness of time he’ll be on his knees in front of Teddy Kennedy in the bowels of hell. The downside is he, like Kennedy may just enjoy his stay.

  2. It’s fitting that a slimeball congressman, who would steal and drink pope spit, would also be a supporter of partial birth abortion. How many other commandments does he live to break? How about “thou shalt have no other gods before Me”.

  3. What a delusional control freak. Won’t let anyone else touch the glass, the blessing comes through his grace?

    There is only one person whose grace matters, and it’s not this blasphemer’s.

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