They need him to remain untouchable – IOTW Report

They need him to remain untouchable

Patriot Retort: I’ve noticed some conservatives are arguing that we should ignore the Attention Hogg from Parkland.

And while I’m sure that “just ignore him and he’ll go away” works for some insufferable bullies, I don’t think it’s the right course of action for Hoggie.

Most school bullies are not given unlimited television exposure from which to spew their nasty, hateful comments.

CNN doesn’t roll out the red carpet for your run-of-the-mill bullies.

And school bullies certainly don’t have the financial backing of multi-million dollar activist groups behind them.

Little Hoggie isn’t a school bully. Although, apparently, he and his pals did bully Nikolas Cruz.

Instead, Hoggie’s a bully with a national platform and mainstream media bullhorn.

Ignoring him won’t make a damn bit of difference.

Let’s face it. The Left wants him to be untouchable. In fact, they need him to be untouchable.

For them, he only works as a human shield if he’s treated like the Boy in the Bubble.  more here

21 Comments on They need him to remain untouchable

  1. I think him going to homo bondage orgies with Anderson Pooper and Don Lemonballs down in the West Village basements is going to catch up with him soon enough. He will either be the next Charles Manson or another Kurt Cobain.

  2. learned a long time ago that laughing in your opponent’s face is usually the best & quickest way to get them off their game.
    CNN & master Hogg deserve nothing but our scorn & ridicule that they surely deserve

  3. The miserable little prick deserves all the abuse we can toss on him. No one more deserving of it. I’ll also be boycotting the companies that pulled their ads from Laura Ingraham, although I think she was wrong for apologizing to Hoggbreath.

  4. Some one will reach out and touch him real soon.
    He just will not know who it was, and he will be real surprised.
    It will be a friend of his.
    And that will be the end of him.

  5. I have a hard time picking on a kid but he will be 18 eventually. I have as big a problem with the parents who apparently haven’t been giving any good advice to their foul mouthed little troglodyte. They must not be able to combine their braincells to come to the realization that his actions reflect on their parenting.


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