Things My Mom Sends Me: I Am An American – IOTW Report

Things My Mom Sends Me: I Am An American

photo 1 My Mom has been doing some spring into summer cleaning and came across a box of my Dad’s stuff from childhood. There were grade cards, school books, his original birth certificate- and these little books. Dad said, “Send em!” He has a vague recollection of reading them in school. He was nine when WWII started. I thought you might enjoy a couple of pages from one of the books…

photo 3

(click to embiggen)


These rights and privileges are mine, guaranteed by my government, which I am ready to fight to preserve.
I may think as I please.
I may speak or write as I please, so long as I do not trespass on the rights of others.
I have the right to vote and thereby choose the public officers who are really my servants.
I have the right to choose my work, and when my country is at peace to seek any job for 
which experience and ability have fitted me.
I have the right, if I should be accused of a crime, to a prompt trial by jury, and to seek justice in courts, where I have equal rights with others.
I may educate my children in free schools.
I have the right to worship as I think best.
I have to the right to, “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
I have the proud privilege of offering my services to my country at war against 
and enemy which, if victorious against us, would deprive me and my children of all
the blessings of freedom.
photo 2

7 Comments on Things My Mom Sends Me: I Am An American

  1. My favorite quote:

    “It is my duty to abide by the will of the majority, to stand behind my government, so that my nation may present a united front against the forces of aggression which endanger its guarantees of freedom to me and my children.”

    The forces of aggression can be from foreign countries or within our own country. The will of the majority is not being heard today. Therefore, it’s very hard to stand behind our government.

    And freedom to me, my children and grandchildren is endangered. 🙁

  2. [blockquote]It is my duty to pay the taxes levied by representatives elected by me, to defray the costs of government and of carrying on the war.[/blockquote]

    “To defray the costs of government…” Simply defray the costs of government. That’s one of those old outdated ideas Obama thinks doesn’t work. For him.

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