This Joe Rogan Clip is Going Viral – IOTW Report

This Joe Rogan Clip is Going Viral

9 Comments on This Joe Rogan Clip is Going Viral

  1. “The media” (the swamp/government complex) will get away with it as long as we sit back on our asses and let them – by electing mccnonells, boehers, romneys and the like.

  2. The “media” gets away it because TPTB increasingly have undermined our elections. As I sit here tapping away, Rep Clyburn has been “visiting” his cadre of fraudulent vote counters in the same fucking counties that shut down the count in 2020 late election night. For the first time in our history.

    In the same fucking states(MI, WI, PA, GA, NV) that DJT had insurmountable leads but ended up losing.

    I would love to see a truly honest election here in WA but that is never gonna happen in my lifetime. 100% mail in. My eye is going to be focused on VA this Nov as the federal elections are now paper ballots and ID. I believe a couple other states are close to that as well. I’ll wager there will be a considerable diff between the few federal races and the state races in terms of dem vs Repub.

    If you think you’re experiencing deja vu watching Harris talking to empty chairs when DJT is drawing 10s of 1,000s, well you are.

  3. The primary reason the ‘machine,’ the media, and the left turned their knives on Trump was because he had the audacity to run against Queen Hillary, who was supposed to simply waltz into the White House with no effort on her own part. That fact that he actually BEAT her in the election just made it all the worse and the ‘Machine’ vowed to destroy him at all costs.

  4. “Whoopie” sitting there speechless because the conversation is beyond her processing capabilities, and the rest of of the gang fawning over Trump, who was so successful he became a danger to the left’s existence in the power structure.


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