Wow. Trump’s Secret Service Director Sean Curran names DJ Daniel, a Texas boy battling cancer with a dream to become a police, a Secret Service agent. This is incredible.

Wow. Trump’s Secret Service Director Sean Curran names DJ Daniel, a Texas boy battling cancer with a dream to become a police, a Secret Service agent. This is incredible. ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.
Fucking awesome. And not one dem clapped. And Trumps a racist.
These people are evil.
Loved it when DJ gave Jason Hartley a high five after Trump announced that Jason had been accepted to West Point!
The look on that kid’s face was priceless!
The bastard Democrats didn’t stand for this miraculous young man or any guest President Trump invited. Democrats are pure evil.
democRATz can’t stand for women, can’t stand for law and order, can’t stand a closed border, can’t stand for efficiency and most all can’t stand the American people! All they really did tonight was give the Finger to America 🇺🇸
Had something in my eye when that kid got the badge.
“Loved it when DJ gave Jason Hartley a high five”
So cool. Who are the racists in America? The hug that kid gave Sean Curran was heart breaking. I’m sure the View will have issues with it tomorrow,
DemonRats are acting like children who got caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
It’s over for them and they know it.
LOL! “Caveman” Green got kicked out of the Congressional Address for acting like, well….a Demwit caveman;
That was a really good speech. I almost didn’t watch because I’ve seen so many hours of his speeches. But, he did a great job tonight! And the donkeys are despicable!
@ Bad_Brad TUESDAY, 4 MARCH 2025, 23:11 AT 11:11 PM
Have you ever one single time witnessed an event wherein Democrats have ever displayed any sincerity whatsoever for anyone, or any population, that weren’t busy exploiting or had not already targeted for exploitation?
I can say that I’m thoroughly convinced that I have never seen a single example.
OMG! Trump is using child labor to replace federal workers that he fired.
You’d think they could have an ounce of decency.
He’s a kid with brain cancer you evil pieces of shit.
And along comes this guy. If the Democrats hadn’t already fucked the dog completely blind tonight on their own…
Rachel Maddow says President Trump celebrating a young cancer survivor “disgusting”:
“For the record—and this is disgusting—the President made a spectacle out of praising a young man who thus far survived pediatric cancer, as if the President had something to do with that.”
It may have been at this very moment — or maybe when Trump was recognizing the loss of Laken Riley — when the Democrats were thinking, “Holy !!, did we ever screw up acting like this.” As the cameras caught them, most were looking down at their phones or trying to look as small as they could. It wasn’t too hard for them, actually. I wish FOX had put their cameras on them more often to show America.
Curran’s face was completely flushed when DJ hugged him.
I still get misty thinking of that moment.
The Dem women in their horrible pink looked like they were in a Pepto Bismal ad.
Disgusting people
@ Anonymous Wednesday, 5 March 2025, 0:11 at 12:11 am,
Soon to be every other x post!