Thursday Night’s NFL Game Looked Like A Ghost Town – IOTW Report

Thursday Night’s NFL Game Looked Like A Ghost Town

Daily Caller: The Dallas Cowboys beat the Washington Redskins Thursday night in Dallas, 38 to 14.

The matchup between the two teams is one of the most storied in the NFL and the two teams are historically popular with their rabid fan bases.

However, that fact was not on display last night when the teams gathered in Dallas. According to tweets from reporters at the game, the crowd was absolutely abysmal for the matchup.

Just look at this series of tweets from local and national reporters:

36 Comments on Thursday Night’s NFL Game Looked Like A Ghost Town

  1. It’d be a gutsy thing to do, but if the NFL weren’t hypocrites, they could explain the soaring cost of next year’s season tickets by explaining that in a Social Justice World, the ticket buyers will need to make up for the slack.

  2. I know some Texans that WILL tell ya that Sam Houston not only found America in 1492, but founded The United States of America in 1776. They’ll also tell ya that there was no NFL before the Cowboys……They ain’t going to the games nor watching it anymore either….

  3. Why is there anybody there at all?

    If you attend or watch a game of these NFL traitors you suck! I have no more patience and there is no excuse for supporting these NFL turds.

  4. I wish I had been a die-hard fan of the NFL so I could be counted as one that no longer gives a shit. But, the fact is, I never did give a shit about watching overpaid, self-absorbed athletics.

  5. It’s just cordcutters, it’s just cordcutters. The NFL will repeat that until the lights go off.

    That’s why all those college stadiums are empty.

    I’d be interested to hear how concessions sales have performed year over year. The NFL always jukes their attendance stats

  6. I now just call it the MFL.
    These assholes just keep pouring gasoline on the fire with their announcement to give $89 million to social justice causes to help African-American communities. Now they’ve upped it 100 million. Where does it end??

  7. The arrogance of the NFL and its teams was apparent to me a very long time ago. I lived in DC and later in suburban MD from the early 70s through the mid 90s. Early on, I and my friends were hard-core Redskins fans and in about 1980 I put myself on the waiting list for season tickets. There were about 8,000 ahead of me at that time. Three or four years later, I checked my place on the list and found that there were 12,000 ahead of me. That’s right, over 4,000 people had been put ahead of me in what was promised to be a first-come first-served queue. The team had said, in effect, screw you little guy, we’re taking care of our pals first. My fanhood abated fairly quickly after that slap in the face.

  8. That’s the result of a Free Market. If you don’t give the customers what they want…
    Try to be American Patriots/Football Players and maybe the fans will return. However, the players have shown their true colors, so maybe the Fans won’t return.
    The Progs have ruined the nfl, just like every country they have ruled.

  9. @Al. You just had to be patient. I put my name on the list in 83, when I moved back to the States. All it took was a much bigger stadium than RFK and back to back to back to back crappy seasons and I was in, baby.

  10. Next up: team Owners ordering thousands of fake inflatable fans for the TV cameras.

    The NFL has bought a one way ticket.

    The cord cutters won’t be back. Ever.
    The offended patriotic Americans won’t be back. Ever.
    Guys watching TV games together is like poker, or camping. Once a couple of key guys stop participating the group Man Cave Mojo falls apart.

    Done. Finished.
    Cities with costly stadium complexes are in for a shock and will be squealing for a bailout.

    The Left destroys everything it touches.

  11. Here in Cleveland, when they built the new stadium (with taxpayer money), if you were a season ticket holder the MFL screwed you by making you buy a PSL (Permanent Seat License). There was NO preference give to people who had held season tickets for decades. We were insulted with having to buy a PSL for thousands of dollars just to have the right to buy a ticket to the the game!! Then they promised that PSLs would appreciate in value, (Hey it’s just like real estate!) but now they’re worth about 1/3 the price of their original price… if even that in the current climate!!
    Fuck ’em!


    1. People are not buying tickets, but also not buying sodas, beer, snacks at the game or probably at home, nor watching the paid advertising. All those industries suffer. No parking fees, hotels, restaurants, tolls, speeding tickets, gasoline etc.

    2. MARKETING 101: It takes 10x as much money to bring back an angry customer than it does to get a new one. 10:1 ratio. That’s why customer service HOUNDS its employees to just make everyone happy no matter the cost, b/c that customer will come back, and you recoup the money anyway.

    3. Customers ditch old habits for new ones. If the NFL is not careful, fans will learn that they are more productive and happier not being glued to a chair and t.v. set for 9 hours on Sunday.
    The crack dealer doesn’t want his clients to find other things to do besides smoke crack.

    Roger Goodell has to be the worst CEO I’ve ever seen. Stand around while the NFL empire crumbles.

  13. It would seem that a lot of the people that are deeply offended by the actions of some of the members of the teams aren’t offended enough not to purchase seats or to bite the bullet and tear up their season tickets and send them to the Commish (with enough missing so they can’t identify which exact seats they are) or switch the TV off in deeper numbers. The attendence has to shrink enough to start hurting them in the wallet. I’ve read numbers like $500 million in losses which I find hard to believe at this point. We need to see the scalpers screaming that their kids are starving because nobody is buying, we need the team front offices offering lots and lots of season tickets next yeat because people have taken themselves off the waiting list and others declined to renew. We need players contracts get broken because there is no money to pay them the insanely high wages they get. We need cities who financed these stadiums start suing the the teams because the revenue from team rent, parking and entertainment taxes they were promised aren’t enough to pay the interest on the bonds the city took out. As far as I can see this isn’t happening yet and I wonder whether it will. If it doesn’t the activist players know they can do any damn thing they want and get away with it. Wait until you start to see the black power fist go up in the end zone instead of some high fives.

  14. Doc, the colleges are what is teaching them to hate this country. This batch is no different the the ones that populate the nfl.

    Give the college players a choice and it’ll be a Division I of Kaepernicks and an adjunct Sociology professor giving them extra credit for doing it.

  15. FWIW a friend in Jacksonville tells me there are free Jaguar tickets being given away like Halloween candy every time he turns around. Attendance is down and they’re trying to fill seats any way they can.
    Even a free ticket still generates revenue for parking, beer, snacks, and maybe merchandise.
    I can remember when chewing tobacco makers passed out free tins at races, rodeos, fairs etc. Anything in hopes of fanning interest in a declining product.

    Ticket prices logically should plummet.
    Like Disneyworld prices once an Ebola epidemic is announced in Orlando.

  16. Haven’t watched in 8-9 weeks. Found other things to do. I do enjoy watching the post-game analysis of the Bears’ games because the guys don’t pull any punches and are funny.

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