Tiger Woods Gives Underwhelming Response To Question About Trump – IOTW Report

Tiger Woods Gives Underwhelming Response To Question About Trump


Tiger Woods was asked about his relationship with Donald Trump of all things after his Sunday round at The Northern Trust and gave the reporter a response he probably wasn’t hoping for.

Woods was fielding questions from the media after his fourth and final round–a time usually used to ask about a player’s performance throughout the week–when he received an unexpected question. One reporter felt it was the perfect time to ask Woods about his relationship with Donald Trump and whether it was “professional” or “personal.”

Seeing as Woods isn’t a politician, you would expect his answer to be fairly self-explanatory. But here is how he responded.


“Well, I’ve known Donald for a number of years,” Woods began. “We’ve played golf together and you know we’ve had dinner together. And so yeah, I’ve known him pre-presidency and obviously during his presidency.”

Unsatisfied with that response, the reporter decided to bring race into the equation and asked about Trump’s “sports debates” like his Twitter spat with LeBron James and his open opposition of the national anthem protests in the NFL.  more

17 Comments on Tiger Woods Gives Underwhelming Response To Question About Trump

  1. “No. I just finished 72 holes and I’m really hungry,”

    One-track hack won’t even let Tiger start eating his waffle, much less finish it What’s next for Tiger…an immunity deal with Mueller?

  2. I agree with Moe Tom – almost all reporters, news people are “sluts and jiggers”. They certainly try to make it all about them and try to increase their “star power”. Actual news reporting – not so much!

  3. Tiger possesses the ability to self reflect on past transgressions, adjust course, and mature into a better person…. something of which the Press is incapable. They still can’t grasp their insignificance.

    That he experienced the rats attempts to ruin him during the lowest point in his life probably rendered him “woke”.
    Bravo Tiger!

  4. Don’t think they play the National Anthem on the PGA Tour before teeing off. Wrong venue for race baiting.

    Also, given Tiger’s past (women and Ambien), I don’t think he is going to throwing stones from his glass house.

  5. Let me ask you woods lovers if he had been married to your sister when he was a sleazy sex hound would you still support him? And what does that say about your character or lack thereof?

  6. @anon. How did you infer support? I credited TW with learning from past mistakes.
    I believe in second chances and acknowledgment, if warranted.
    I won’t question your character because you don’t. Move on.

  7. Does he think he is a reporter? Because he is not. He is a talking head full of opinions. He’s now holding his breath in anger because someone thinks differently than him. Grow up, little boy.


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