Tim Kaine (D-VA) Claims America Invented Slavery; Roman Empire and Egyptian Pharaohs Demand Apology – IOTW Report

Tim Kaine (D-VA) Claims America Invented Slavery; Roman Empire and Egyptian Pharaohs Demand Apology

And the D stands for Dumbass.

PJ Media: Tim Kaine (D-Va.) gave a puzzling speech on the floor of Congress today where he claimed that Americans had invented slavery. “The United States didn’t inherit slavery from anybody. We created it,” he said, completely seriously.

This claim sent shockwaves of outrage through the recesses of Hell, where Egyptian pharaohs and the emperors of Rome reside. “How dare he take credit for slavery,” said King Tut. “Who the hell does he think built the pyramids? Aliens?”

Diocletian wasn’t any more complimentary. “The Roman methods of torturing slaves are so renowned around the world that millions of people wear the instrument of our torture around their necks as a reminder of the sheer brutality we wrought on the world’s underprivileged. Americans tried hard, but until you feed people to wild animals in front of cheering crowds you haven’t even begun to realize your potential in crimes against humanity.”

Julius Ceasar told reporters, “Those were the days. One time I sold 53,000 citizens of Gaul to traders on the same day. Man, what a windfall that was.” MORE HERE

21 Comments on Tim Kaine (D-VA) Claims America Invented Slavery; Roman Empire and Egyptian Pharaohs Demand Apology

  1. Is there a software package that can measure a politician’s IQ by the dimensions and appearance of their face?

    Because Tim Kaine’s could be the starting correlation for the low end of the scale. Holy Fuck Face.

  2. No, oh no! Senator Tim Kaine (D-Va.) isn’t a Dumbass, he’s President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Vice President. He learned these facts about slavery at the knees of his state’s current Governor, and he learned it in college during one of those Blackface Nights at his all White Colored Fraternity during the years when he never thought any negroes would be mortally offended and riotous over such things. This ain’t yore Pappy’s Old Virginny. Racists White Colored People invented slavery once those African Immigrants on the Mayflower moved south to get away from all that snow and showed an amazing affinity for picking cotton and no aptitude for birthing babies. It’s all there in “Mandingo” if you don’t just read the salacious pages about all those cohabiting original Plantation Dwellers.

  3. Loved the satire because the BEST way to argue with these kooks is to make fun of them. Because that’s one of their own rules. 🤗 (and I especially love the Author’s Note at the end… exactly what is the IQ of a sock?)

  4. Never ever despair if you are down and out and lose your job, even if it was your fault. Because, you can always be a Democrat politician. It really doesn’t matter how low your IQ is or how lazy you may be. There is a career for you in the DNC. All you have to do is pander to people even dumber than you are.

  5. “And the Cherokee Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole were allowed to bring their slaves along on the Trail of Tears”

    This doesn’t surprise me but also didn’t realize it was the case either. Seriously, I have no patience with people who act like slavery is a new thing. Most cultures in the world have slavery in their pasts. And… some… still… do… but apparently we aren’t supposed to talk about that.

  6. Thanks Timmy, you’re confirming how truly exceptional America is!

    Because to invent slavery, America had to convince Portugese, Dutch and Spanish merchants to profit from transporting them, after we first convinced muslim African dealers to capture their neighbors and sell them to begin with!
    Even though the afformentioned parties had been doing it for centuries before America ever existed!
    And shouldn’t you give at least partial credit to the British, Dutch, Swede, French colonists?

  7. “… and Athens executed all the men over 16 and sold the women and children into slavery …” Melos – during the Peloponnesian War (431–404 BC).

    Guess idiot-boy thought that was Athens, Georgia.

    “… the Messenian people became enslaved as helots …” (743-724 BC)

    “… the Jews were taken as slaves to Babylon …” (597 BC)

    No slaves in America before 1776?
    Still practice slavery in Sudan, Nigeria, and other parts of Africa.

    &c., &c., &c.

    izlamo delenda est …


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