Time To Talk Trump Veeps – IOTW Report

Time To Talk Trump Veeps

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36 Comments on Time To Talk Trump Veeps

  1. Brad Wenstrup, a true conservative and military hero who’s retiring from Congress.

    That dude saved a life under live fire from a crazed Democrat sniper.

    That’s what President Trump NEEDS.

  2. A better question is, “What is the contingency plan?”
    If not Trump, then who? Is there anybody on the front lines, that isn’t a RINO.
    If they were to martyr Trump.

  3. VP choices are sometimes made to bring in different voters: so, Chrissy Chrispy??
    I kid.

    Remember the old adage to keep your friends close and your enemies closer? Picture Trump sitting on fatso at the playground and not letting him up. That close. lol

  4. I can see him using Kari Lake as his right hand woman! She would be as vicious as he is and he wouldn’t have to worry if she will fold under the pressure.

    If she is intent on running for congress in AZ, I’d say the next choice should be Senator John Kennedy. But, only if LA can replace him with a true MAGA as acrid to the left as the Senator is!

  5. If he (we) could only find a genuine Washington insider who cannot be led down the garden path, or bullied or bought into treachery. I say insider because we either need someone who knows and has the stomach for how the sausage is made, or someone who has experience navigating cesspools without getting it on their suit.

    I wish POTUS Trump had an identical twin.

  6. How about he pick the least likable candidate that voters already decided they don’t want. Then rig the election. What? It worked for president Kamala and 81,000,000 votes. Democrats set precedent. Plus maybe it’ll get people like me back to the voting booth who have given up because my representative party never, ever fights back and even sides with the opposition. Like getting kicked in the teeth after squatting in pain from being kicked in the balls.

  7. Not Ben Carson. He’s a brilliant surgeon and a nice man but he was smeared badly by the Left during the tea party days. The only thing they’ll say about him is his house is decorated tacky and there’s a misspelled word on his fireplace mantle. Seriously.

    Don Jr. Only for the foaming at the mouth and head popping it’ll cause on the Left.

    But, needs to someone younger. Attack dog, yes. Not another Pence.

  8. More and more I’m leaning, only leaning, towards Tulsi Gabbard. I know most conservatives knee jerk reaction will be NO. But she seems to be a true centrist and it would really shake up the moderate independent & democrat polling.

    And she is a vet. Both of the military and being in congress.

    But honestly I haven’t seen anyone that stands out as a GREAT choice yet.

  9. Senator John Kennedy would have me laughing so much my sides would hurt. He’s legendary the way he expertly trolls various people. I’d like to see Rand Paul as VP, that would set him to be POTUS someday as well.

  10. From a recent meme –
    “Funny thing about getting older… your eyesight starts getting weaker but your ability to see through people gets much better.”

    That, to me, is Senator John Kennedy.
    I’m all in for him.


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