To All the College Deadbeats Thinking Biden’s Canceled Their Loans, Think Again – IOTW Report

To All the College Deadbeats Thinking Biden’s Canceled Their Loans, Think Again

Associated Press

A U.S. judge in Texas on Thursday blocked President Joe Biden’s plan to provide millions of borrowers with up to $20,000 apiece in federal student-loan forgiveness — a program that was already on hold as a federal appeals court in St. Louis considers a separate lawsuit by six states challenging it.

District Court Judge Mark Pittman, an appointee of former President Donald Trump based in Fort Worth, said the program usurped Congress’ power to make laws.

“In this country, we are not ruled by an all-powerful executive with a pen and a phone. Instead, we are ruled by a Constitution that provides for three distinct and independent branches of government,” Pittman wrote. More

15 Comments on To All the College Deadbeats Thinking Biden’s Canceled Their Loans, Think Again

  1. This sealed the votes of every dead beat college student with useless degrees working at Starbucks and Dunkin’ Doughnuts, and plenty of highly paid dead beat graduates working in suits and ties inside office buildings. The price of a university degree has gone through the roof since the Government got involved in education, and there are more administrators than educators on most campuses theses days. These are Senator Fetterman’s voters.

  2. They knew it was unconstitutional.
    It served its purpose to help get Dems elected

    That’s all Benedick Biden’s handlers cared about
    And the edumacated fools fell for it

  3. Gen-Z showed up for 1 Day of Work for $20,000, and the Right to wipe out an Unplanned Pregnancy.

    This is how the Canadian Liberal Party has been governing for decades.

  4. 64 years ago I and 17 of my kin were in GWB’s own words WERE NOT AMERICAnS! We did work Americans wont do; we – being to young to work factory, worked the fields; to pay for college. 61 years ago, while an undergrad, I did many glamorous jobs for $1.00 an hr to pay for school. Such as dishwasher, switchboard operator.

    I have no empathy for these plutocrat kids that were “too good” to work for their education!

    I , and my kin, graduated debt free.

  5. The KKKBiden never intended to bring the thing into reality since he knows it’s not within his purview to cancel anyone’s debt for any reason. KKKBiden was using it as a come-on to appear in a better light since many in the nation despise him, particularly for his cruel and abusively deliberate inflation and loss of small iz and jobs. If anything, KKKBiden should “cancel debt” of every American citizen who’s in current debt due to KKKBiden’s vindictive and spiteful inflation against Americans which was also seen with the Obama-Bin-Lyin’ guy’s frauds and scams.

  6. One of my family’s poorest members had five children who all worked and put themselves through college. My wife and I were so proud of those kids we helped them out a little when we could. Now they are all successful professionals no doubt appreciating what they have worked so hard to achieve. Nothing given is worth something earned. And earning through learning and hard work is the best kind of character building experience there is.

  7. Never underestimate the depth of the bottomless pit of raw gullibility that exists inside the mind of the Tidepod munching Gen Z fucktarded democrat base. The democrats will simply claim that “loan forgiveness” was “undermined” by a Trump appointed judge in Texas, which means that it was “invalid”. The democrats will literally run off this same issue in 2024. Just watch.


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