Top Real Estate Investor Says Businesses Are Fleeing NYC After Trump Guilty Verdict – IOTW Report

Top Real Estate Investor Says Businesses Are Fleeing NYC After Trump Guilty Verdict

Daily Fetched: The founder of Cardone Capital, Grant Cardone, has reaffirmed his decision to withhold future investments from the Empire State in response to Trump’s guilty verdict, asserting that many businesses will also flee the city.

During an appearance on Fox News, Cardone said the Trump verdict is going to have far-reaching effects on the city’s economy.

He suggests that nobody wants to do business in New York City anymore because they no longer trust the political and legal system.

The Gateway Pundit reports: Cardone says that the people who are invested in his company wouldn’t even allow him to do business there. more

15 Comments on Top Real Estate Investor Says Businesses Are Fleeing NYC After Trump Guilty Verdict

  1. Nothing like sowing the seeds of one’s own destruction…

    Normally I would say ‘good luck with that’, but concerning NYC, I hope the mob of ticked off people ransack all the government buildings.

  2. Sure they are, wink wink. As reported by the Gateway Punjab who themselves are getting sued into tomorrowland & most likely out of business, kinda like crybaby Alex cheapskate Jones.

  3. sure indicator that the justice system is rigged. One phone call to the right people and your legal case is screwed. Plus the legal system is connected to the democrats so guess who wins.

  4. Geoff
    LOL, true. But today is like they just got their hemorrhoids all tangled in a knot. I think they just figured out there’s no stopping the Trump Train.

  5. NYC following its Butt Buddy city on the west coast, good ‘ol San Franfreako. NYC and SF – two poles of depravity.

    Much of SFs downtown at night is on a downer, I’ve heard. No place for people who want to remain healthy. So sad for a once-beautiful city. Wife and I had some really good times there, at the St. Francis, Palace, and Four Seasons hotels. I’ll never see it again.

  6. Load the short busses.
    If businesses are just fleeing now, what were they thinking for the last 8 years?? Didn’t Mayor Wilhelm covid19, Gov Cuomhole gave any warm homo sapien plenty o’ reason to flee.

    Trump himself left years ago.


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