Transgender with his head on straight – IOTW Report

Transgender with his head on straight

25 Comments on Transgender with his head on straight

  1. I have posted that I have two friends who suffer gender dysphoria. They sound an awful lot like this. FWIW, the topic of their gender dysphoria never came up until they brought it up a few years ago AFTER all of the progressive movement decided to take advantage of and exploit their condition. Both have lived as women for multiple decades. One who I met after being granted permission to hunt her property fifteen years ago passed away a year and half ago, the other one has been and remains an active member of the gun club I belong to for thirty years. Both were accepted as individuals and I never saw any outward discrimination directed toward either.

    When I have brought this up to others who were in full exploitation of their condition mode I have asked this simple question: What do you think they identify as? Then I had to correct them, with emphasis. No, they identify as human beings who jus twant to be left alone to live their lives as they see fit and furthermore you and the attention seekers you parade around Seattle festooned in gold tiaras and shoving dildos in the face of others are making their lives truly miserable. The individuals you have enlisted in advancing your agenda by acting out are far more likely than not scratching their itch for attention and know they can get it from the likes of you who are exploiting their need for attention by acting out in this manner and are not truly affected by gender dysphoria in the first place.

  2. Remember when Liberals sang:

    Little boxes on the hillside
    Little boxes made of ticky tacky
    Little boxes on the hillside
    Little boxes all the same

    And the children go to summer camp
    And then to the university
    Where they are put in boxes
    And they come out all the same

    Aaaaaaannnnd when any of them step out of line in any way itz “RELEASE THE FEMBOTS!”

  3. Furthermore they resent the stone cold natural fact that the progressive movement controlled media has frozen individuals like them completely out. They would just like the opportunity to come out and say that what is being presented as settled science does not accurately represent them. No way. No how are they allowed anywhere near the microphone.

  4. The phenomenon of having male genitalia but with a female brain (and vice versa) is probably as old as the human race. I’m not sure anyone knows why. But I don’t dwell on it just like I hardly notice when a male dog humps another male dog.

  5. He seems pretty young, so there are great odds that he will, at some point, regret his body-changing decision. It’s good that he is now using his personal experience to help defeat the bill.

    He also told the truth: “gender identity disorder” “..suffers from…” “biology endowed me..” etc.

  6. We had a guy at work do it maybe 25 years ago, it was still somewhat novel back then. Fifty years old, married with a kid in school. He went the full route, cross dressing and hormones, then the operation. Six feet tall, bow legged with size 13 feet he wasn’t fooling anybody. Started wearing hot pants, mini skirts, and tube tops into work; people wanted to claw their eyes out. He kept getting bounced from dept to dept. HR was scared as hell of him.

  7. Wild Bill, my ex next door neighbor Frank who became Jennifer was something else. When we first moved here in 1990 he was a normal guy or so we thought with a daughter the same age as my youngest daughter who is now 33. He was normal until we started seeing a strange redhaired woman next door who was suspiciously dressing like my wife. And then we figured out it was Frank transitioning from a guy to a rather homely woman. He/she was quite the sight or better yet fright dressed in a mini skirt with a bright red wig wearing high top boots and looking like Alice the Goon from Popeye. He/she moved away and we never saw him again and I always wonder what happened to his daughter. My son who was teenager at the time laughed his ass off every time he saw Frank thinking he/she was funny as hell.


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